Sir Tristan gave a light bow to Mordred as he abruptly departed, and rubbed her brow for a moment. [i]Men...[/i] She took her seat once more at the table, hoping to finally eat her damn boar once and for all. "I do not know about you, Sir," she said to Gawain, "but I intend to eat my meal before the night is done. So please take no offense," and with that she took a good sized bite for a lady of her roast boar. It was still warm, and she wanted to enjoy it before the night air chilled it further. Something about the way Mordred had regarded her was... unsettling. Being a novelty as a knight was not always a good thing. She'd met men before who had decided that she would be an good story to boast at the tavern, and they all distinctly came to mind as the two large men had trapped her in conversation just moments ago. [i] I'll eat, then maybe I'll just step out for a walk away from all the drunkards...[/i]