So, a long time ago, on a forum long since rebooted due to technical difficulties, I ran an RP with this name and basically the same plot points. It was largely a success; but then the great Guild meltdown happened, I lost my olf account and all back-ups of the RP. I had stopped toying with the idea after the site went back online, having lost a lot of my passion for the idea. But recently I watched Rogue One and it sparked my interest in the universe again. So I bring to you today, the general idea and hope tbat you guys show enough interest to get this stone rolling again. The story follows the events of an alternate universe in which the Mandalorians are victorious at the battle of Malachor V, and continue on to sack Coruscant and the seat of the Old Republic. With Revan, Malak and many other prominent Jedi slain in the battle, the remaining higher-ups within the order mount a valiant defense alogside Republic soldiers and mercenaries alike, but it was not enough. A small handful of Jedi Masters were selected to gather initiates and knights in order to retreat and form enclaves; places where the individual masters would form miniature Jedi councils and begin training a new generation of Jedi in secret. The player party, will be members of the enclave under the care of newly promoted Jedi Master Luthor Antilles. General missions would involve raids on Mandalorian outposts, covert recruitment drives, general espoinage and even full-scale assaults. All the while our characters will be gaining the experience, knowledge, and skill neccessary to restore peace throughout the galaxy. This will most likely be high-casual, but I will be accepting of pretty much any standard of play!