[b]RED CROW FIELD[/b] [b]3:15PM[/b] The fields were beautiful to Skye. Walking through them just made her feel at peace, one with nature. Fortunately, it wasn't raining, for she didn't like the feeling of getting drenched. Instead, the sun was only blocked by a few sparse clouds, and there was a nice warmth in the air. The sun did, however, get blocked, and Skye looked up as some sort of humming sound, way off, started. This sound started to get louder, until soon she spotted something flying not that far from her. At first, she believed it to be a dragon, one made of steel! Soon, however, she saw that it had no form with wings that flapped. In disbelief, Skye stared as it flew and landed a bit away from her, some sort of legs deploying before it lowered into a clearing of the forest. Skye was tempted to believe what she was seeing was only a hallucination. She was tempted to just forget about what she saw, and continue on her way home, before relaxing in front of a fire and perhaps having a snooze. However, curiosity lingered within Skye. She [i]wanted[/i] to see what the thing was. Plus, it was in the vague direction of home, and she could take a peek at it. It didn't take a moment later for Skye to come to a decision. She began to run her way forward, following the hum the strange thing was making. She was getting close as the hum, which had been declining all the while, died entirely. Reaching the clearing, she hugged a tree as she looked at the large, metallic thing up close. It was quite big! She peered at it, before her eyes met... A knight? It was certainly someone or something humanoid, and it looked to be wearing armour. Unless it was some sort of metal creature, and the thing that flew was it's steed. She stood in silence, watching the knight looking man that had descended from the flying creature, barely concealing herself from the shock she had from seeing something she would never had thought she see in seventy lifetimes!