Meesei grinned, looking over to Fendros next to her. "To some it is, but I disagree. I find that uncooked meat is just so much more tender. Heating it like that sucks out all the juices. Of course, if you are vulnerable to disease, then losing that bit of flavor is well worth not having to put up nausea, vomiting, and all sorts of other sicknesses. Janius is a relatively new lycan, though, and he was raised in much the same way as you were. He's not Dunmer, obviously, but he was raised in a wealthy Imperial family. You two probably have a lot in common." Meesei leaned back a bit, getting into a more comfortable position. "As for my questions, well, other than that you know a bit about hunting, and your parents make wine, I know almost nothing about you. If you wanted to tell someone else the things you find important about yourself, what would you tell them? Skills, hobbies, goals, other things you like. One of my best skills and favorite hobbies is magic, but I'll let you answer first."