[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Feyhollow Town - Waffle Shack[/u]-[/center] [hr] "Not at all," Juana said to Cilian, having asked the waitress for waffles with Razz syrup and sliced Hondew. A Spritzee fluttered by on the wind. Juana chuckled. "Okay, funny story. One time, we were walking around, and some trainer had a Spritzee, see?" Juana started. "So Mamá got a good whiff of that, and she was inspired to concoct some kind of candy based on that scent. So what she did was buy a sachet of Spritzee's clippings. And she immediately went to work when we got home. But see, that stuff's super strong, and so we had to open the windows, right?" Juana paused to stifle a laugh. "Suddenly, two Lilligants and a Tangrowth barge through the window, attracted to the smell of whatever Mamá was cooking! It was hilarious! Papá and I were trying to save the furniture while Mamá was menacing the Pokémon with a spatula. Raticate was confused and running around the house, knocking over tables. I nearly dropped one of our vases. A couple of the customers downstairs were panicking since the Tangrowth had tumbled down the steps. It was okay, but it had accidentally planted itself in the floorboards. We managed to get the Lilligants out of the house, but it took a lot of pulling to get Tangrowth untangled from the floor. We finally managed to do it by using Mamá's batch of candy to convince it to go outside. Needless to say, we wasted a sachet. But then, this lady comes by, and apparently the Tangrowth was hers and she had lost it a couple of days before?" Juana laughed again. "I mean, who loses a giant blue pile of grass spaghetti? Anyways. She thanks us for finding her Tangrowth. Apparently she was a soapmaker in town? "So the next day, we hear the doorbell ring, and there's that lady again, this time holding a basket. She hands the basket to Mamá, and inside, there's a bunch of bars of fragrant soap," Juana continued. "Apparently lots of Pokémon in Central like sweet smells. I had to protect Bounsweet here from droves of ravenous bird Pokémon while she was visiting." [hider=Notes] -TP: HHG +1, post +1, total: 47 -CP: +1, total: 26 [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x1 -Potion x1 -Rare Candy x1[/hider] -Interaction with [@Silver Fox]'s Tora and [@Dusksong]'s Cillian[/hider]