[@thewizardguy][@supertinyking] Mithias sat in the center of his cell, meditating peacefully, for a while. The robot AI's chirps initially went unanswered. The vampire's eyes remained closed and his breathing almost imperceptible. A calmness settled in the room as the torrents of Mithias' mind resolved themselves, his memories dealt with, his focus clear. The hum of the energy field seemed to be the only reminder of where they were and that reality itself didn't miss them. After an arbitrary amount of time, Mithias' lips parted and his eyes cracked open. "Suzzi." Finally, she got a response. "Have you no contact with Martin?" He waited. It appeared the answer was no. "I could in fact escape from here. The Jigen-tou and I are one. But, I will not. I've caused enough damage already. This time, I'm going to reign myself to wiser council. I hope that it is coming." Clearly, the aged vampire was worried, but at the time, he was determined to exercise some self discipline. "It will be a difficult test of my faith to sit still while the clock is ticking, but I see no better choice. Hmm. Sometimes I wish I had the power to speak to other minds." Suzzi probably had no idea what Mithias was talking about. Mithias looked over at the fairly useless robot, his sole companion for possibly the rest of his life. "I assume you will be recording events for Martin's review later, if you ever get back to him, and if there ever is a 'later.'" Mithias reflected on current events. "Martin is a very fearful creature, especially of the space marines. I do hope the two do not attack each other a second time. Martin's genius may be the only thing that can help us save this world, and if he ends up freaking out, the Imperial soldiers will exterminate him." Mithias inhaled deeply, concerned about this potential outcome. "I believe I would miss him, although I hardly knew him. I suppose I should be preparing myself to miss everybody, but bah!" He shook his head disapprovingly. "Cannot lose control, cannot give in." He regained his calm, then casually his vision drifted upward. "Oh, but how much easier it would be if I had the faintest glimmer of hope to hold onto. Vulkan, where are you? Return to me..." With his wish, his longing, a minute connection was felt by the other, the one being who had tasted of Mithias' blood. It was unintentional, yet undeniable. Mithias hadn't planned it, yet it happened. Vulkan, wherever he was, could sense him, and that he was sought by the little vampire. Responding to the subtle call would be his choice, of course, for only the smallest drop of blood had touched his lips, but he knew. He knew where Mithias waited and was kept.