[right]Chris Wilson[/right][hr][sub]Orlaith Valley Trail and Park[/sub] [b]Alright, Evander, Christine and Brynn. Lets start getting the camp set up, I'm sure the majority of us are getting hungry.[/b] Chris looked away from the fight turned hug fest and blinked at the teacher. It was Chris. Not Christine. The words were on the tip of her tongue but she forced herself to swallow them. He wanted her to help with what? Chris looked back down the trail longingly back to civilization. This was all bull. She just wanted out of this forest of death and back to that stupid school. At least there she wouldn't have to worry so much about getting eaten. Chris huffed out a sigh and followed the other students to what must be the camp site. She frowned at the tent she was given but managed to turn it into some semblance of shelter. Good enough Chris shrugged. Wouldn't stop a wolf or a hungry bear. But even a well put together tent wouldn't do that. Giving her work a passing grade she headed over to the group to eat her share. Of course the semblance of peace couldn't last. With a grin the teacher (or devil more like) spoke again. [b]So after dinner, I'm thinking we can do a quick team building game before we call it a night. How many of you are familiar with the game capture the flag?[/b] Oh. My. God. After this were they all going to hold hands, talk about their feelings and sing kumbaya around the campfire? Chris let out a loud snort.