[centre][color=MediumSeaGreen][b][h1][i]Pvt. Dale[/i][/h1][/b][/color][/centre] [centre][hider=Alexander Dale][hr] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/fd/06/4dfd0662e358527909ed640d638cfa54.jpg[/img] [color=MediumSeaGreen][b][h3]Alexander Jaxon Dale[/h3][/b][/color] [hr] [b]Nickname[/b] [i]’Raph’- Short for Raphael, as he’s patched up most if not all of his team members, and has formal medical training, leading to his squad naming him after the angel of healing.[/i] [b]Gender[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Age[/b] [i]24[/i] [b]Nationality[/b] [i]New Zealand-Australian Origins[/i] [hr] [b]Affiliation[/b] [i]Messla Defence Coalition[/i] [b]Detachment[/b] [i]New Zealand Rebels – 28th Infantry Division[/i] [b]Rank[/b] [i]Private[/i] [b]Callsign[/b] [i]ECA-5 [Echo Charlie Alpha – 5][/i] [b]Infantry Role[/b] [i]Combat Life Saver[/i] [b]Years of Service[/b] [i]3 months[/i] [hr] [b]Personality[/b] [i]Used to be extremely protective of his friends, and joked a lot, especially when stressed as a sort of defence mechanism. He tried to be optimistic, but failed a lot of the time, especially when he has a front row seat to hell. Is now more sullen, and keeps to himself, trying to protect everyone around him, even if that means putting his own life in danger. He is more often than not extremely cynical about the world, and seems to have lost faith in humanity.[/i] [b]Appearance[/b] [i]6’3”, short black hair, blue eyes. Has a thinner build than most of his age. Wears standard ACU with a Squad Patch, Combat Helmet, Tactical Rig, and uses an M4A1 as a primary weapon, keeps a bag with all his medical supplies inside.[/i] [hr] [b]Background[/b] [i]Originally from Victoria, Australia, Alex and his entire family, his parents, his two brothers and his sister, moved to New Zealand when he was 8 to escape the politics that were becoming more corrupt each year. Becoming a New Zealand citizen, he served in the military for a year in his late teens. He trained as a rifleman, but also trained as a paramedic outside of the military. He found out that he preferred helping people than killing them, and quit the military soon after. When the start of the disagreements other Messia started, Alex didn’t like the way the New Zealand government was leaning, and when the signs of hostilities started, he joined a rebel group who were on Messia’s side. With his skills as a paramedic, along with some training in the military, he was placed as a combat life saver. The first week or so was relatively quiet for him, then the attacks started getting more common, resulting in him being on the frontlines for a lot of the time, patching up the wounded, and being one of the most well liked team members, because he was the one that kept them alive. During a fire exchange with New Zealand Military, Alex saw his brothers in an opposing squad. He stopped firing, stunned by seeing them, but then one of them, the oldest, fired upon him, grazing his side. He kept trying to believe that his brother hadn’t meant to hit him, that he had tried to just graze him, or didn’t recognize him. He was in denial, as he had seen his brothers eyes on that day. He started showing signs of depression, resulting in him being taken out of his squad for the next week, during which his entire squad was killed. When he finally went into the field again, out of necessity and lack of soldiers rather than being ready, he still blamed himself for their deaths. His new squad got assigned to stopping a third party terror attack, along with the British Army and French Bomb Disposal. He was trying to keep his new squad members alive, and was treating one when the bomb went off.[/i] [b]Military Involvement[/b] [i]Assault on Chinese Territory New Zealand Fire Exchange Operation: Whistler[/i] [hr] [b]Character Theme[/b] [i][youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrHufPEdYAY[/youtube][/i] [/hider] [/centre]