It is the year 2053 and April just begun in the small town of Buje located in the north west part of Istria, a peninsula sticking into the North Adriatic. In the past 40 years the world has gone from bad to worse. During period from 2021 to 2033 most of what were once single countries, united into one of the five great megapowers. Holding North America, most of the Pacific Islands and all but a few countries in South America that was from where the Atlantic Alliance started. Formed the countries which made the former Soviet Union and what was Easter Europe, the Euroasian Union. Under the word of Allah and controlling North Africa, Middle East and parts of Central Asia the religious Islamic Union. United in their defiance stand India, China and Indochina, joined together in the Asian Front. In the south, with Australia and South Africa as leaders the Southern Coalition. After they all of them all formed in 2033 the world the turned into the battlefield, UN rendered powerless and the European Union forced to retreat from its south and east areas. Only the short lived Free Nations Military Alliance, which united from ex-EU members in south and east Europe, manages to buy time as the superpowers focus elsewhere. [hider=A short time line:] 2019 - The Great Economical Crisis (GEC) starts 2021 - To combat the GEC (by expand internal markets this way) USA and Canada join into the United States of North America. Other countries follow suit 2025 - The proto-megapowers begin sharp militarization to expand their industry and combat the GEC 2030 - GEC ends but large militarization has left the diplomatic atmosphere of the world in a state in which a spark would lead to a global war 2033 - Asian Front forms, creating the last megapower 2033 June 6th - The Takla Makan border incident between Asian Front and Euroasian Union, beginning of World War III 2036 May 21st - Free Nations Military Alliance forms in what use to be members of EU in the south and east Europe after it abandoned this areas in April 2040 January 1st - UN estimates that WW3 has made 13 million people into refuges and reached a death toll of 26 million 2040 February - In an attempt to gain a base the Euroasian Union attacks Japan (landing on Hokkaido) 2040 April - To stop the Euroasian Union the Asian Front attacks Kyushu 2040 December - After singing a peace agreement (in June) with the Southern Coalition the Atlantic Alliance attacks Japan (landings in the area of Nagoya) 2050 January 1st - UN estimates that WW3 has made 72 million people (of which at least 45 million are from Japan) into refuges and reached a death toll of 104 million 2050 Armed forces of Euroasian Union, Islamic Union and Atlantic Alliance push into south and east Europe Late 2052 - Despite heavy resistance from the Free Nations and remains of both UN and EU forces, the Free Nations Alliance is forced into the mountainous regions of the mountains in the eastern part of South Europe February 2053 - Armed forces of Euroasian Union, Islamic Union and Atlantic Alliance push into Istria [/hider] You will be play a member of the resistance forces which are trying to desperately defend the town of Buje from the armed forces of Euroasian Union, Islamic Union and Atlantic Alliance. Questions, comments and any-non spam posts are more then welcome