[center] Route 9 [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [/center] The two trainers elected to rest at one of the nearby food stalls, giving their pokemon a much needed break after their grueling battle. The one they decided to go to had a veranda overlooking the water, that's relaxing for everyone but especially so water pokemon, where Froakie can relax in the water should he decide to. After the long, hard fought win, they worked up an appetite, especially Talonite who had his food stolen from him prior to the earlier battle. After ordering and receiving their food, Talonite immediately begin to dig into his food. However, as he was stuffing his face, he was interrupted with a thud as something crashed into him, causing him (and his food) to tumble over the Veranda's handrail and into the water below, with the last image he saw was that of a golden ball. When he managed to get his head out of the water, he caught the sight of a [url=http://www.serebii.net/art/th/27.png]Sandshrew[/url] snickering at him, indicating he was the one responsible for Talonite's continued plight with food. Not waiting around, the Sandshrew rolled into a ball and attempted to flee, crashing into others as he did so. [hr] As Talonite was going through his ordeal with Sandshrew, York and Froakie went through their own. Well....Froakie did at least. As he reached for another bite of his meal, he soon found himself bound in a spider web as a [url=http://www.serebii.net/art/th/751.png]Dewpider[/url] proceeded with eating the Froakie's food.