"I am not [i]offended.[/i]" Ghent was offended by being accused of being offended. Irony at its best. "I'm in...credulous." The books in Frank's store had been good for boosting his vocabulary, but his pronunciation of the word left something to be desired. Ghent stayed in place when Elayra stepped forward, but he flinched back as if he expected her to pull a knife. "Whoa! Keep those hands where I can see them." [i]Incredulous[/i] was putting it lightly; he was straight up paranoid. "Is this a prank?" For the second time that evening, Ghent turned his head to get a quick look at Drust. As anticipated, the hooded figure was closer than before. Ghent would never admit it, but he was worried, and he wondered how quick of an escape he could make while lugging William. "My last name is Preston. I still don't know what a Madrail is -- how [i]do[/i] you know my name, anyway?" Unsurprisingly, Ghent remained tight lipped when Wonderland was brought into the picture, though the mention of his father startled him from his stubbornness. "Do you know him?" Elayra had hit a weak spot. If she had information regarding his family, Ghent was willing to risk the possibility that this may have been a hoax. "If this is a joke..." Ghent didn't complete his threat, simply because he didn't have one. In the past, he would have gotten into a tussle with Mrs. Saxon's son and any others responsible, but this was a girl! He couldn't fight a girl. They were defenseless, after all. Ghent had no idea who he was dealing with. With a shaky breath of defeat, Ghent caved. "No, I don't remember any of those places. I do remember being in the woods, and...I remember a little girl." Ghent started to open up, but he was also taking care not to let his guard down. "There was a guy was leading the way. It was dark...we were supposed to go somewhere safe." Discussing Wonderland was not something Ghent took pleasure in; he felt foolish to voice these memories out loud, but he was also hopeful that this stranger could help him recover the missing pieces. "There was some weird sort of door. Maybe it was a portal...I don't know. It sounds stupid." Ghent watched her like a hawk for any indication that he was being lead on, and he attempted to keep an ear out for any sign that Drust was closing in on them. "I was the only one to make it. I never saw them again."