The alien K'Vari's gambit momentarily surprised Alexius, until his brain processed its meaning. K'Vari had come here under a banner of peace, and even it would respect it as a merchant, therefore its goal was impressions rather than action. Shock and awe at its finest, in this case, trying to awe Gregori and shock everyone else, or perhaps a little of both for everyone, including every Imperium Reborn citizen within sight of the vessels. Alexius had utilized some Xeno tech in his own fleet and had spear-headed the push towards incorporating Xenos into his forces beyond merely taking in civilians. He was even wearing some prize pieces offered to him by a Jokaero clan as a gift. But nothing he had yet seen had compared to the power which K'Vari was potentially offering to Gregori. But K'Vari was a merchant, and had proposed them as part of a deal, not charity. Such great power, if K'Vari was even being completely honest in his pitch, would not come for cheap. What price the small alien would ask of the new Emperor for their potential partnership he was left to wonder at for now. As for Gregori himself, Alexius sat back as the self-titled Emperor re-asserted control of the room, and his wider ship thanks to K'Vari's stunt, and then proceeded to outline their first course of action. A Forge-World would be a mighty prize indeed for the fledging Imperium if they could successfully obtain it without severe damage. Such an asset could not be allowed to fall into the hands of a rival, or needlessly destroyed. But he would discuss their general course of action on those matters shortly, more immediate matters pressed his attention. [@Wraithblade6] As per Gregori's request, Alexius stayed behind, but as he saw Captain Lattore begin to file out from the Council meeting among the others, he stood up from his seat and shouted to the Relictor Captain as he turned to leave. [color=39b54a][i]"Captain Lattore, I would ask, nay, state that in short order you hold an audience with me aboard my battleship. It concerns matters of faith, if you understand my meaning. Once my affairs are sorted here, I anticipate your arrival sooner rather than later aboard The Wandering Chronos."[/i][/color] Alexius had considered invoking his Inquisitorial Edict to force the Captain to attend, but he figured it unnecessary. If he was as sharp as Alexius suspected, he would understand its meaning in its current form as much as everyone else without such blatant brandishes of authority. He sat back down in his seat after saying this, watching the others as they left the room to him and the others Gregori requested stay.