[center][h2]To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above...[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a665c143-b686-458f-9561-9aab8b3bf7c2.png[/img][/center] [center][i]Mysterious Boy & Mysterious Girl[/i][/center] [b]Situation Location:[/b] In front of the Trainer House [hr] The trades still continued until one of the drivers received a phone call. A shady man wearing sunglasses and a red and white jacket removed his phone from his pocket and brought it to his ear. He seemed to listen briefly before hanging up and quickly running over to Mysterious Girl. Leaning down to her ear, he whispered a message to her that made her eyes narrow with suspicion. “Wrap everything up,” she told him. The driver nodded and gathered the last box of Pokeballs to load into the truck. Mysterious Girl slapped her hands excitedly upon the table and stood from her chair. She put on her cutest smile as she winked at the crowd and bade, “I’m sorry everyone but that’s all the time we have for today. We’re always so busy at the Pokemon Club, but we’ll see you all again!” Several angry and greedy trainers desperate to have their weak Pokemon taken from them started to scream and shout as Mysterious Girl and Boy started folding their work table. They merely ignored all of the fussing, handing the table to the driver. “Ciao!” Mysterious Girl waved at the crowd of angry trainers before she and Mysterious Boy raced over to the van. Both club representatives blinked in startle when they saw that the back of the van was filled to the brim with Pokeball boxes. Mysterious Girl frowned and snapped at the driver, “You idiot. You didn’t leave any room for us?” The driver stiffened frightfully. “Uh, well, I didn’t think-” “Shut it!” the girl snapped before she turned to Mysterious Boy and said, “You got a skateboard right?” Mysterious Boy grasped his earphone and removed it from his ear as hoped to hear what his partner had said. Before he knew it, she was already sitting in the passenger seat up front and poking her head out the window. “Meet us back!” she told him—there was no way she was going to walk. Mysterious Boy’s eyes widened. “Wait…what?” “See ya!” The van took off and before Mysterious Boy could even realize what had happened, he was alone. Glancing around for an alternate means of transport, he unfortunately didn't see a cab anywhere. Reaching into his pocket, he removed a small tube. It had a red button on one end that he clicked with his thumb. The button unfolded into a board and he hopped on it to make his way out of the area. [hr] Two minutes after the Pokemon Club made their brisk escape, two police vehicles drove up escorting a fancy SUV. The driver of the SUV stepped out onto the sidewalk and walked over to the passenger door to open it as a man in a black suit stepped out. The man was completely bald except for a white tuft of hair on the top of his head and beneath his nose was a fancy handlebar mustache with curled ends. The man scanned the crowd of trainers before him. Several young trainers were showing off Pokemon that seemed way out of their league, while others were pouting over the Pokemon they should have had starting the adventure. Two police officers, one with a growlithe as a partner and the other with a houndour, approached the well-dressed gentleman and stood at his side. The officer with the growlithe handed him a megaphone. The gentleman gave the megaphone a sound test as it released a shrill squeal that caught several trainers’ attention and made the dog Pokemon howl in pain. “My apologies,” the man said. “Can I have everyone’s attention? My name is Reginald Sherman. I am the League Emissary for Viridian City. A certain matter was brought to my attention about young trainers trading in their starter Pokemon for Pokemon guaranteed to bring them glory. We at the Pokemon League do not support fraud or the ill-treatment the starter Pokemon or even the Pokemon given to you have suffered. Having said this, I brought with me the Trainer Registration database. No trainer is to leave this premise until their Trainer ID and their initial Pokemon’s ID have been verified. If you do not have the Pokemon you started your journey with, and there is no valid reason to explain why—a valid reason being sickness, death, or the Pokemon Trainer being no longer physically or mentally capable to continue with his or her journey—then you will be disqualified. Your Trainer ID and certification will be revoked and the Pokemon you received from some…[i]Pokemon Club[/i] will be taken from you.” The crowd erupted into gasps and exclamations of horror. “WHAT? THAT’S FUCKING BULLSHIT!” “NO WAY! YOU CAN’T TAKE AWAY MY ID!” The anger and chaos that disturbed the crowd had the police officers calling in for backup. They were going to need some more help getting the crowd under control. Reginald continued, “If you lack the courage to come forth with your Pokeballs and IDs, then no matter if you choose to continue your journey, all the Gym Leaders will be sent a list of approved trainers. If you are not on that list, then all Gym Leaders will deny you access to their gym.” “YOU’LL NEVER TAKE MY MACHAMP!” “THAT’S NOT FAIR! MY POKEMON WAS STOLEN FROM ME AND THIS WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD HAVE GOTTEN ANOTHER ONE!” Reginald frowned. “If any of you were victims of the Route 1 robberies, then please come forth and report to the police. However, due to the mass of trainers who chose to cheat on their journey, I will be unable to cater to your needs. If you had reported to the League Emissary, me, then I would have been able to assist you in accordance with League policy. Taking Pokemon from strangers promising you glory is a direct violation of the rules.” Several trainers continued to growl and snarl in rebellion. They summoned their powerful Pokemon, threatening the police and the emissary. As more cops started to pull up to the situation, it started to feel like a riot was going to break out any minute. [hr] Dante turned his head, trying to hide the smile that curled at his lips when Gredy shook his hand. Gredy…that was his trainer’s name. He felt happy and strangely he felt as though he could trust him. Out of nowhere, a strange boy suddenly fell from the sky on top of Gredy. The lock of hair sticking up from Cyndaquil’s head stood straight up in startle before he curiously walked over to the boy. Dante crouched over the kid, assessing his health. [color=f7941d]“It’s a Weedle and he’s hurt bad.”[/color] Dante then stood, glancing over at the mob of trainers that were starting to get rowdy. He looked over at Gredy and told him, [color=f7941d]“It’s not safe here.”[/color] [@TalijaKey][@Bright_Ops][@Iatos][@Caits][@BlackPanther][@Raijinslayer][@Saltwater Thief][@Feisty-Pants][@CriticalHit][@Stern Algorithm]