[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Cf16fPh.png?1[/img][/center] Rasa watched how Meintja introduced herself to the ground type, holding her tail and looking a lot younger in Rasa eyes than the fire type actually was. She herself was kind of thankful Meintja didnt question or pulled attention to how she acted when Kaiser didnt leave his ball. Neither poking fun at her for being all but desperate in the time, which felt like an eternity to Rasa, that took the ground type to come out. She missed her wrist watch to actually see how much time passed. Her pokemon telling her that she was fine when it came to food Rasa put one for the two backed treats away, holding one still to Thore who was simple looking around, not yet saying a word. [color=f7941d] "I need to speak with some people if I'm not going to be around, let them know I can't do the jobs I use to for them"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Oh,"[/color] Rasa was not awaiting such a request but she nodded.[color=6ecff6] "Sure, sure. You can go. What kind of jobs were you doing?"[/color] She asked slightly wondering who would employ wild pokemon, it was a rare sight to her. She did most interact with trainer or family held pokemon when she was growing up. The wild one she meet didnt had a job, neither were trusted enough to be given one. Kanto was quite interesting. [color=6ecff6]"If you are quick, I would like to give you a bit of training." [/color]She smiled wide at Meintja hoping to easy up the stiffness and reluctance that was coming of her pokemon. Rasa then looked back up at Larvitar.She wanted to leave the pokecenter, to leave behind the stress and focus on something nicer, as working together with her pokemon... well one pokemon and that if Kaiser Thore didnt ask her to leave for a while as well.[color=6ecff6] "You fine with doing some bit of training on route 1? Fight some pokemon?" [/color] [@Caits][@Iatos]