[b][center][h1][color=a0410d]Vesta Celestia[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Avery Ackbar Celestia[/color][/h1][/center][/b] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3Q4FzCQ.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/n4mq0vg.png[/img] [h1]Along with a Guest Star appearance from [color=7ea7d8]Vivi Celestia[/color][/h1] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://k45.kn3.net/taringa/1/3/8/6/6/3/07/john9119/535.jpg?207[/img][/hider] [@liferusher][@Spriggs27][@FamishedPants][@demonspade64][@Claw2k11][@Lucius Cypher] [/center] Finally, some respect for someone of her station. After all the disrespectful people she had met yesterday this certainly made her feel better. She had never expected anyone to grovel in her presence, but just a simple polite tone and wording much like Malakus and Orgus here was enough. Surely it wasn't that difficult if, no offense to the two before her, orcs were doing it? Zin's words....unsettled Vivi. There seemed to be a weird look to her eyes which made the bluenette shiver in fear and cross her arms across her chest protectively. Just who was this woman and what was her relationship with her sister? And what was this about 'taming' this woman? Vivi wasn't quite following this and simply watched on with a slight frown. She needed more context to be able to analyse this situation and made a mental note to ask Vesta at a later date. If this woman survived of course. Although if this woman really was a dragon than even Vesta would struggle....dragons were considered to be as powerful as gods in some legends. Turning to Orgus, Vesta seemed to look him over for a moment before shrugging apologetically. [color=a0410d]"I'm afraid I wasn't....quite myself last night. I apologise for any offence I may have given by my actions and to prove so I will listen to what you have to say."[/color] Vesta commented slowly at first before bowing her head. She didn't choose to respond to his comments of helping her 'tame' Zin or his hunting background. She wasn't surprised that he was a hunter, his physique certainly matched such a line of employment, but mostly because she believed she didn't need any assistance in the matter. If all she had to do was beat Zin, then she could do it herself quite easily. That was when Zin now jumped on her and tried to latch her mouth onto Vesta's shoulder, only to be met with a rather effortless construction of earthen armor around her shoulders. Due to destroying her defensive pillars earlier, Vesta had rock dust on her person and now utilised it to full effect. [color=a0410d]"Ms Parrallex I will get back to you in one moment."[/color] Vesta sighed as she just let her sit there and chew on the armor. It wouldn't last long, Zin's jaw was stronger than anticipated. So Vesta would have to make this quick. [color=a0410d]"Oh? That sounds quite intriguing Mr Firebelly. I'll wrap this up quick and then we can get to the details."[/color] Vesta was clearly interested in what Malakus had to say, but Zin did have business with her first so she would have to wrap that up before proceeding with anyone else. [color=a0410d]"El Dona."[/color] The dust on her hands hardened into gauntlets made of granite as she grabbed Zin by the scruff of her neck and threw her clean over her shoulder and away from Vivi and the rest...and straight into what seemed like a giant pitfall as the ground just seemed to vanish for a 10 metre by ten metre radius. Avery chuckled playfully to Dante despite the obvious anger on display. Damn so Vesta had told him then? Oh well...it was fun while it lasted. [color=ed1c24]"Why so angry Mr Dante? I never addressed myself as a girl you just assumed me to be one. You only have yourself to blame~"[/color] Avery hummed teasingly before letting go of Dante and seeming to dance around of him. Avery was usually quite fleet of foot and seeme dto either prance or dance around the place, almost as if it was second nature. He also managed to quickly cut off Aya by placing his staff in front of her. He did make sure to have placed it with enough distance to let Aya stop and not just run into it. It would be rude otherwise! [color=ed1c24]"Lady Vesta needs to speak with you Ms Aya so I'm afraid you can't go anywhere. Especially if I haven't made sure that you've recovered from last night. I'm not sure what kind of experience you went through, but when Vesta bought you back you were out cold. Your my patient at the moment and if anything were to happen to you, I would be to blame after all."[/color] Avery told the girl plainly with a bright smile on his face. [color=ed1c24]"Shiro is looking for m'lady right now. So in the meantime I must ask you....."[/color] Avery trailed off as he cast a glance towards Dante. He was there last night when Avery had admitted to being from earth after also having found out that Aya too was from earth so there wasn't any harm in mentioning it around him right? [color=ed1c24]"Are you from the land down under?"[/color]