[center][h1][color=ec008c] Canoness Ishitta Thamus [/color][/h1][/center] As the representative, to the other Adeptus Astartes spoke to Ishitta. The Canoness scowled at him. His words falling of deaf ears. Ishitta not interested in listening to the Astartes words. He was lucky she was the Canoness, given her predecessor would have tried to purge him for speaking to her like that. Even if she had been ordered not to. Ishitta giving the Astartes a dismissive wave of her hand, to show she wasn't interested in listening to him or continuing this argument. Although Ishitta's aid wrote down every word spoke the Astartes spoke to his mistress, just in case she wanted it later. It was then the little Xeno moved the center of the room and spoke Ending its words with a snap of its fingers. Ishitta looking at the Xeno with a raised eyebrow. Wondering what the little Xeno was up to. Her guards eyeing the alien. Then out of nowhere alarms filled the room. Ishitta's Celestian guard, raising her bolter taking aim at the alien. While her Repentia Mistress draw a pair neural whips. Ishitta however, didn't move. Her instincts telling her the Xeno wouldn't dare attack and bring down the rather of everyone here with only two guards. [color=ec008c]"Standdown."[/color] Ishitta commanded and her guards obeying going back to their previous stance. The Canoness thinking whatever was going on would most likely have alarmed those in the hanger and her Palatine. Who was commanding the Redeemer while Ishitta was off ship. Ishitta knewing her Palatine would be keeping a close eye on the Embodiments flagship while Ishitta was on it. [color=ec008c]"One of you, find out what going on. Ensure everyone there is no cause for alarm."[/color] Ishitta order quietly as the little Xeno started speaking. Ishitta's guards looking at each other in silence. Before nodding to each other. The Celestian slowly walking out of the chamber. Doing her best to not interrupt what was going on. The moment the Embodiment stood up, Ishitta was unsure what to expect. Watching the Embodiment closely, as he went around the room speaking to each of those that had been involved with the petty argument. Ishitta lowering her head as the Embodiment came to her last. Ask her a question that Ishitta only had one answer to. [color=ec008c]"No, I would never ..."[/color] she muttered quietly trailing off. Her voice barely loud enough to be heard by the Embodiment before he walked off. Ishitta feeling like a fool for letting her temper and zeal get the better of her. She'd need to watch herself more in the future. Otherwise, her tongue and temper might get her into trouble. Having spoken with that were involved in the little argument. Ishitta watching as the Embodiment moved the meeting on to the topic. Seeing a hologram of a the Revelius system listening to the Embodiment as he started to explain the first target of the expansion crusade. Watching as the hologram zoom in on the what was explained to be the Forge moon Amatheus. Listening to the Embodiment Ishitta made a mental note to start double combat drills. Given the order haven't seen a real battle in many months. She'd needed to make sure they were ready. Just in case the order was called to battle. When told she was dismissed, Ishitta wasted no time in leaving. Being one of the frist out of the room. She headed back to her lander and moment later was in transit back to the Redeemer of Worlds. Which was remaining close to Saint's Chariot. So the trip was short. Once aboard she summoned a meeting of the uppermost members of the Order. Ishitta wanting to discuss with them in making sure all sections of the Order were ready for whatever the Embodiment called them to do. That meeting quick and once it was over Ishitta went to one of the Redeemers many shrines to the Emporer the sisters had set up. There she knelt before the shine to and started to mutter prayers softly.