[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: route 9 [i]Bearfull trouble[/i] Interaction:[@I-Am-X][@Amaterasu][@itano123] GM:[@Sho Minazuki] [/center] [hr] Everyone joined the fight, Danilo was surprised when he saw Ruby aiming the attack on the Ursaring, but with the added sand attack from Ven it appeared as if less things were being broken. Danilo wasnt quite sure if his observation was true, but he was definitely sure that it had some effect on the eevee. As the eevee Francis pecked ignored the fletching and opted on trying to run away with his friends. [color=a187be]"Francis quick attack on her feet, try to trip her." [/color]He called out and saw his friend turning to do just that, the tail wind making his quick attack even faster. That was the moment Danilo opted to throw the pokeball, [i]successfully hitting the eevee with the ball, wondering if the damage of a peck and a quick attack would be enough to keep the eevee in the ball.[/i] Yet there were lot of other trouble makers on the run, seeing Ruby was closer to the part the pokemon went for Danilo called out. [color=a187be]"Try to block their part." [/color] With Danilo focusing on everything around him, he didnt focus enough on the rampaging pokemon. Which meant as well that he didnt notice when the Ursaring picked and throw a bench in an attempt to hit a retreating eevee. Danilo found himself kind of in the way. Some of the onlookers screamed duck and that was what saved Danilo from a possible head trauma. As he just in the last moment throw himself to the side and rolled out the way. He could feel the whirlwind pushing him in the back helping him be faster and avoid it. Holding his metal staff tightly in hand he looked when the bench landed a cloud of dirt raised in the air. Wondering how much would that have hurt him if he didnt avoid it. A worried chip came from his side and Danilo noticed Francis staring at him wings flapping as fast as ever. [color=a187be]"My self is quite fine, sadly my hat has suffered the touch of dirt."[/color] Danilo pointed with his staff to where his top hat has rolled off. Standing up and dusting himself off, this time eyes quite glued towards the biggest pokemon around.