"We have to finish the device!" Isis yelled above the whir of the engine to someone identical to her sitting on a bench. "Just let dad finish it! You know the rule, never bring prototypes to the battlefield!" Her twin sister Artemis yelled back at Isis as the propellers started to pick up speed. Isis sighed in resignation as she turned off the small device, and started to fiddle with the wires. Artemis gently grabbed her arm. "Really, Isis. You're going to work on the copter too? You're seriously going to hurt yourself one of these days." "Fine, fine." Isis grumbles as she put her hands on the controls. Isis always wondered why Artemis never bothered to learn how to fly a helicopter, but she always refrained from providing a straight answer. Artemis gave her that half crooked, twisted grin that she enjoyed displaying and stuck her tongue out at Isis. "Just hurry up and get to the war zone, loser." Isis sighed and fingered the controls, prepared for anything that might come he way, as the helicopter took off into the sky toward the battle.