[center][color=#ffffff][h1]【[u][b]Amatus Kokoro[/b][/u]】[/h1][/color] [h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"I have made a profound discovery. The heart of man is just for decoration."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center][hider][center][u][b][h2]【Personal Info】[/h2][/b][/u][/center] [hider][indent]【[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Amatus Kokoro 【[u][i]Nicknames:[/i][/u] Kido Hollow, Spellmask 【[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 524 【[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male 【[u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Human → Plus → Shinigami → Hollow 【[u][b]Form:[/b][/u] Greater Gillian 【[u][i]Appearance Info:[/i][/u] Amatus stands roughly three stories tall in height, their monstrous size owing to their state as a Gillian. Despite this, their form is highly defined, indicative of their proximity to the threshold of evolution into an Adjuchas. They have a long, prehensile, serpentine tail that drags behind them along with two cloven, ungulate legs, and a largely featureless and squat torso with four relatively small, frail arms extending from the shoulders and abdomen. The head features a prominent ridge of bone that sweeps from the collar up and around to encompass the upper end of the neck. Their Mask features four thin swept-back horns, thick, lowered ridge-crests that adorn the eyes, a prominent skeletal nose, and a recessed mouth with externally mounted teeth. 【[u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Amatus remembers almost none of their life as a living Human, save that they were a priest of some form. They died in their autumn years during the brief cusp when physical ability is briefly matched by wisdom, and so enjoyed a brief period of prosperity upon their arrival in soul society due to their friendly and sociable nature, relatively high intellect, and their ability to take advantage of what opportunities were afforded him. For a time he lived a comfortable existence in the Eleventh Western District of Rukongai, living with a group of well-to-do associates and working as an accountant for a gambling den. As would be lamented by Amatus for the next few hundred years, his life took a turn for the worse the day he gained an appetite. He learned that only individuals with the potential for spiritual growth, who could potentially become Shinigami, felt hunger and needed to eat. His many friends warned him that there was no happiness to be found amongst the Shinigami, that he would be stuck doing nothing but selfless and tedious work for a thousand years without nothing thankful to come out of it. However, Amatus was not one to let opprotunities go to waste - so he immediately set out to enter the Shin'ō Academy. The entrance exam proved to be of immense difficulty to Amatus. Amongst his group of applicants he had the highest score possible on the written examination, and the lowest score possible in the physical portion. He only passed when one of the proctors gave him an extra point on the premise that it would have been a shame to see such an intellect go to waste - but he was placed in the lowest class of new students, being the only member thereof, and to this day one of his greatest shames is standing alone in his section during the acceptance ceremony, with hundreds of onlookers staring incredulously. The academy was unkind to Amatus during his education there. He continued to perform poorly in every subject save for Kido, up until he was taught how to use his reiatsu in order to amplify his strength and speed - which, even strengthed, were merely sub-par. He made rivals with another student by the name of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4075295]Arina Kawagana[/url], a noble in the first class of students, who frequently taunted and mocked him for his inability to do anything properly. His frequent verbal bouts with her instilled within him a dreadful hate of the Nobility of Soul Society that persists until this day. When he eventually graduated, he was one of the few students who was simply flat-out denied permission to even attempt to apply to either the Onmitsukidō or the Gotei 13. Determined to nonetheless reach prominence in Seireitei, he applied and was readily accepted to the Kido Corps due to his stellar ability with Kido, an ability with which he had already been ranked as having Mastery over - another shame of his, given that the only reason he could not attain the rank of Grandmaster was due to his lack of the reiatsu needed to cast the higher spells. Upon entering the Kido Corps, Amatus thought for a time that his troubles were over and that all would quickly given way to his skill and talent - until he made the horrified discovery that not only was every single graduate that was accepted alongside him Noble, but that most of the Kido Corps hierarchy was as well. Amatus was immediately crushed within the insular hierarchy of the Corps, completely unable to jockey for position with any of his peers due to a complete lack of Noble status. He found himself having to work five times as hard to earn even half the credit, and nearly ever effort he made to advance in the ranks found him being punished for acting above his station. His hatred for the Nobility only grew more and more profound, reaching its zenith as he learned that his old rival Arina had attained captaincy in short order by recommendation, without her even having achieved Bankai. Entering a state of despondency, Amatus' work was affected and he found himself relegated to Senkaimon duty. Maintaining the passageway between Soul Society and the World of the Living, Amatus found an unlikely friendship in [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4076992]Daigo Serizawa[/url], who frequently used the Senkaimon to spend time in the World of the Living. In a scheme between the two, Amatus was able to create a small Reishi Henkan-Ki for Daigo in order to smuggle items from the Living World back into Seireitei, in exchange for Daigo bring back a few occasional items for Amatus - mostly consisting of self-help books and get-rich-quick pamphlets. Amatus' second life in Soul Society eventually came to an abrupt end when he was called in for maintenance to fix a problem with the Senkaimon, as it was being reported that the opening in the World of the Living was not opening and instead showing a completely featureless, black void. Amatus stepped into the Dangai in order to investigate, and was immediately sucked through its entire length and into the void - as it turned out to be the open maw of a Menos Grande, standing directly in front of the open Senkaimon in the World of the Living and inhaling deeply once it sensed a victim in the Dangai. Amatus was killed instantly and his soul dumped into the vast ocean that was the Menos Grande's aggregate being. Mere hours later, with no small amount of surprise and shock, Amatus regained consciousness as an Emergent Gillian. Despite the extreme statistical unlikelihood, his mind had somehow overcome the thousands of others composing the Menos Grande, and he had asserted willful control over it - forcing it to evolve into a Gillian in the process. Amatus found that the new way of things agreed with him tremendously, despite the shortcomings of the Hollow form - bestowed with relatively tremendous strength and speed wholly beyond what he had possessed before, and with even more reiryoku than he could have dreamed of, he was also surprised to learn that he retained the use of his Kido despite having lost his heart. This gave him an immense advantage amongst his fellow Hollows, and using Bakudō he was often able to consume dozens at once with little to no actual effort on his part. Soon, the pressing hunger that threatened to swallow his mind receded, while his form gradually grew smaller and more distinct. Venturing out from the Forest of Menos and into the Wastes of Hueco Mundo, Amatus joined with a band of other Gillian and shortly learned both of his own unique Hollow Ability as well as of Las Noches. Using his ability to form conduits with his new allies, he took command over them and led the way to Las Noches, using his command over his fellows along with his Kido to overcome any other bands they came across. When they arrived at Las Noches itself, Amatus was able to grant himself audience with the Custodian by dominating the mind of the Adjuchas barring entry to the palace. Managing to pique the interest of the Custodian with promises of insight into the Shinigami ways and of forbidden knowledge of Hollows and the Nature of the Soul, Amatus was given a place in the Court of Low Souls and given the task of establishing a laboratory. Now there he dwells, plotting on how to enhance his power and status further amongst his kind as his thoughts turn to the Shinigami, amongst whom he had such difficult in his second life... 【[u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Amatus is ultimately a largely reasonable and intelligent individual who is fairly friendly and accommodating, only growing upset when his personal aspirations and efforts are derided or otherwise obstructed. He is easygoing, cheerful, generous, slow to anger, forgiving of mistakes, reasonably patient, and can see the best in most people. However, he can become sullen and eventually infuriated if he is belittled or insulted, especially if his intellect or his capabilities are mocked. He also has a passionate hatred for Nobility, and becomes irrational when thinking about them or dealing with them. While he is slow to anger, once he forms a grudge he nurses it, teaches it to speak and walk, puts it through school, gets it a job, attends its wedding, attends its convalescences, its funeral, and then has its corpse stuffed and mounted on the parlor wall. Once angered, he will never let it go or forget it, and will descend with disproportionate fury and anger - at least, to the extent he is capable. He maintains a great many grudges he was unable to act upon in Soul Society that he only now has the power to act upon... [indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Notable Traits】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent]【[b][i]Likes/Dislikes[/i][/b]】 [indent][color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Charity [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Humility [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Discovery [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Vengeance Against Those Who Wronged Him [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Nobles [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Busywork [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Nepotism [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Luck[/indent][/indent] [indent]【[b][i]Defining Traits[/i][/b]】 [indent][indent][i]Positive[/i][/indent] [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Easygoing [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Generous [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Forgiving [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Intelligent [indent][i]Neutral[/i][/indent] [color=#828282]☯[/color] Slow to Anger [color=#828282]☯[/color] Chatty [color=#828282]☯[/color] Informal [color=#828282]☯[/color] Opportunistic [indent][i]Negative[/i][/indent] [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Holds a Grudge Like Woah [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Irrational Hatred of Nobles [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Dismissive of Work Routine [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Easily Injured Pride[/indent][/indent] [/hider][indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Relationships】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent][indent][i][b]NAME: Arina Kawagana[/b][/i] [indent]Amatus and Arina met during the education in the Academy, and were immediately at odds. Amatus struggled at everything but Kido while Arina coasted through mainly on her social status, good looks and not much else, and constantly tormented Amatus to no end over his shortcomings. After they both graduated and matured a little their rivalry mellowed, but Amatus has always held a grudge over how everything she has attained has been effortless for her, without her ever having had to work for it.[/indent] [i][b]NAME: Daigo Serizawa[/b][/i] [indent]Amatus and Daigo became partners in crime of a sort when Amatus enabled Daigo to smuggle items from the world of the living back into Seireitei via a small, handmade Reishi Henkan-Ki. They became easy if somewhat distant friends due to their frequent meetups through Daigo's use of the Senkaimon.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Capabilities】[/h2][/b][/u][/center][hider][indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【General Aptitude】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider][indent][sub][h3][u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u][/h3][/sub] Amatus is not particular fast and is very physically weak - they can barely even defend themselves at melee range, which is just fine because even if they could they do not have the strength to make any kind of defense they might make effective. Once caught up to, he is little more than a punching bag. Thankfully for Amatus, he is a very durable punching bag - what he lacks in strength he more than makes up for in hardiness. His Mask is even stronger than his body, eliminating it as a weak point, and his inherent Hollow powers are strong enough that his high speed regeneration is both obscenely fast and effective. So anybody can come along and beat him up for hours or even days without killing him. ...Or at least they could, if Amatus did not have large Reiatsu, excellent Hollow powers, plus the unique advantage of retained Kido as a Hollow. His severely caustic Reiatsu makes him very difficult to approach, a task made all the more difficult by his frequent use of both Hadō and Bakudō, supplemented with Ceros and the very occasional surprise attack where Amatus uses his reiatsu to amplify his physical strength to more considerable heights. Amatus' overall strategy in battle is to form a center of power around himself that most foes cannot enter easily, or at least not without great risk to themselves - and then to begin shredding them from afar with high-powered spells and abilities. Even if Amatus is caught offguard, the immense difficulty in actually killing him usually gives him time to fire off a reflex-Cero and buy himself some more distance. [u][b]Reiryoku:[/b][/u] 3 [u][i]Reiatsu:[/i][/u] 4 [u][i]Integrity:[/i][/u] 4 Amatus came into a great surplus of Reiryoku and Reiatsu upon being eaten and turning into a Hollow, and even hundreds of years later he is still adjusting to his relatively rapid rate of growth. While he never had a great degree of reiryoku or reiatsu as a Shinigami, he knew all the proper methods and techniques for manipulating and shaping it, which served him well as a Hollow with an explosive degree of growth potential. [u][b]Mask:[/b][/u] 4 [u][i]Hunger:[/i][/u] 3 [u][i]Rigidity[/i][/u]: 4 [u][i]Instinct[/i][/u] 4 Amatus' abrupt transformation into a Hollow was not particularly severe in and of itself, but was perhaps more pronounced in the sense that the change was not an unwelcome one. Amatus' was greatly convenienced by his second death, acquiring power far beyond what his frail, Human body had been able to provide, and although the eternal, insatiable hunger was agonizing, hundreds of years of thankless toil had prepared him well for acclimatizing to the agony. The final nail in the coffin was the essential despondency and impotent rage Amatus had brewed up over the centuries due to the inadequacies of his Human life - all these factors combined resulted in a being practically made to be Hollow, and so the initial severity of his transformation was intense, and the following growth in power swift. As a result, Amatus' mask is as durable as his body, and his reiatsu is both extremely caustic and hard to repulse. [u][b]Form:[/b][/u] 0 [u][i]Offense:[/i][/u] 0 [u][i]Defense:[/i][/u] 0 [u][i]Strength:[/i][/u] 0 While Amatus gained three stories in height from his transformation, the increase in strength was merely relative. While he is strong compared to a Human, most spiritual beings could overpower him with ease. While he has four arms, they are all underdeveloped and frail, being more suited to finesse and weaving delicate kido than for wild haymakers or crosses. However, one should be wary about straying within arms' length for too long, as Amatus has been known to amplify their strength from nonexistent to dangerous using their reiatsu in order to go for a melee surprise attack that can take his opponents off-guard. [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] 4 [u][i]Hollow Power:[/i][/u] 4 [u][i]Perception:[/i][/u] 2 Prior to his second death, even though he had been consigned to Senkaimon duty and was practically a living joke in the hierarchy, Amatus was in fact a Kido Grandmaster who far outclassed his peers, and was in truth one of the leading experts in his field - or would have been had he received any due recognition. His ability carried over quite well as a Hollow, as he had a encyclopedic knowledge of all known Hollow abilities and powers, giving him insight into their use beyond what other Hollows possessed. Combined with his excellent reiatsu manipulation and drive, he was able to manifest all of his Hollow powers at a superb level in short order - even as a lowly Gillian, Amatus can fire Ceros that can overwhelm most Adjuchas. [u][b]Speed:[/b][/u] 1 [u][b]Agility:[/b][/u] 1 [u][b]Biorythm:[/b][/u] 0 As much as Amatus' form is poorly suited for melee brawls, it also lacks the strength to grant him particularly outstanding speed. The best that can be said of him is that he is light on his feet. Furthermore, although Amatus has astounding high speed regeneration capabilities, even modest melee attacks can stagger or else send him flying, leaving him serious disoriented, unbalanced, and distracted by pain for a while - though one should be wary of blind-fired Ceros if they harry him overmuch.[/indent][/hider] [indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Specialization】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent][indent][indent][i][b]Double-Dual Casting:[/b] Prerequisites[/i] [indent]Taking advantage of his forms' four arms, Amatus can supercharge two different Kido spells or Ceros at once by using two hands to charge up each one - or, alternatively, to megacharge a single Kido or Cero using all four arms. The resulting increase in power is immense, but naturally requires an accompanying large investment of reiatsu to fuel.[/indent] [i][b]Surprise![/b] Prerequisites[/i] [indent]Amatus feigns exaggerated staggers and flinches during his foe's attack, and then in the middle of their next combo briefly supercharges his physical strength using an abrupt surge of reiatsu to his limbs while also using several pre-prepared Bakudō cast prior to the fight, stunning his opponent before using his four limbs to pin their arms to their sides and lifting them into the air before blowing them away with an overcharged Cero. Due to having two arms with specific point-leverage on each of his victim's limbs, Amatus reduces the total strength needed to immobilize them by preventing them from being unable to leverage all of the strength in their limbs, hopefully leaving them struggling helplessly in the air if they somehow overcome the paralyzing kido. The duration of both the strength amplification and the various Bakudō is extremely brief, lasting only a few seconds - which is more time than Amatus truly needs.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Hollow Ability】[/h2][/b][/u][/center][center][h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"That conduit he formed did more than power me up - it felt like I knew everything he did while it was up."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center] [indent][u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Amatus can forcefully distort his own reiatsu and that of other Hollows, forming conduits between them and forming a symbiotic link. While connected, every joined Hollow gains a significant boost to their reiatsu that scales according to how many other Hollows are joined and how powerful each one is. On top of that, a pseudo-telepathic link is established between them all, allowing for seamless and instantaneous coordination. When used on entities who are not Hollows - Shinigami for example - the inherent difference in nature between the respective fields of reiatsu renders the symbiotic connection impossible unless the Shinigami willingly suppresses their own reiatsu. However, Amatus can still successfully distort a Shinigami's reiatsu in order to force a connection, preventing them from using any abilities dependent upon manipulation of their emitted reiatsu such as pressure waves, though not invested abilities such as Kido and certain Zanpakuto moves. The forced connection is usually also beneficial for Amatus in that it allows him to more efficiently and at a longer range consume the reiatsu of his opponents. [indent][b][u]Ability Techniques[/u][/b][hider] [indent][i][u]Escuadrón Cero:[/u][/i] Every Hollow linked via the conduit contributes power through the conduit that gathers at a focal point in the sky overhead, culminating in a massive Cero which discharges as a sustained stream that tracks after opponents for a while before vanishing. [i][u]Incruento Cadencia:[/u][/i] Amatus temporarily suppresses the reiatsu-boost provided by the conduit to instead turn the effects to amplifying the Biorythm of every linked Hollow. [i][u]Alva Taladrar:[/u][/i] Amatus modifies the conduit from his end into a focused, piercing spear formed to shear through an opponent's reiatsu rather than clashing with it. Upon direct contact with an opponent's physical body, Amatus gains brief motor control over it, as well as access to all surface thoughts they have at the time. The duration of control and access to their thoughts is very limited, as the conduit is inevitably severed immediately by their resurging reiatsu cutting off the conduit - it typically grants Amatus enough time to make them start to take a single step or to start to make a single gesture. The only circumstance in which this ability would afford Amatus extended control would be if the opponent barely had any reiatsu whatsoever left. Even an opponent with very weak reiatsu could still reliably cut off this ability, since the clash of opposing reiatsus alone is sufficient to disrupt it rather than being determined by any kind of difference in spiritual pressure. [/indent][/hider][/indent] [/indent][/hider][/hider]