The princess’ heartfelt feelings were the first to resonate through Orin’s enlightened ears, speaking of the personal sacrifices already provided and those that waited ahead. Even so, for no uncertainty in the world could he ever doubt her courageousness; her passionate words and foretelling eyes begging to differ at the possibility of defeat. Not until his gentle hand met with the eager touch of hers did he fully understand how deep her sense of longing truly was, and the everlasting yearning for a fleeting answer that accompanied. “Yes, that we most certainly will…” Orin freed his mind from even his deepest of worries, letting the emotional winds of change carry him along. “With or without magic.” A quick addition followed, Orin knowing magic wasn’t always going to be the solution to every problem. Sometimes, all that was really required was a little teamwork from two connected, strong minded individuals. “No matter what, I don’t see either of us giving in until the very end.” Maybe this was finally the calling he had always desired to find one day. Orin briefly glanced off into the distance, letting his imaginative mind roam the mysterious land beyond, before focusing his entire attention back towards Aryn. “Please tell me when you wish to start our journey as I too realize time is very precious to the spirit.” The unrelenting weight of time always seemed to hold little concern for the fragility of an individual life. “And if you need any assistance with anything before we go, let me know and I may be able to be of [i]some[/i] use.” Of course, that all depended on what the princess had in mind; some tasks were better left up to the members of royalty. “Just as long as it is something reasonable.” Orin's words further teased, surrounding his own skill.