Cassidy filed in sluggishly. She dropped her coffee in the trash can and walked the halls to her locker. She pushed one of the popular girls who had just got told off by the blue haired girl. The popular girl snarled and Cassidy turned back around, "you bled through your white pants by the way." It was a lie but it was still funny to watch her run off. Looking toword the girl with the blue hair Cassidy smiled, "I like your hair color by the way." Then she kept walking over to her locker. Upon opening the door everything was actually organized. She shuffled her bag in and took her books for her before lunch classes, if she decided to attend them all that was. She left out a yawn before shutting her locker and making her way to room 103, homeroom. She took a seat in the back but nearest the window as she waited for hell to start.