The bouncer replies to Boom's question, and slips in a piece of advice: "Your girl's arrived. Table 14, door in the left corner, by the bar. Soundproofed. Oh, and make sure to talk to Sazama once your business is concluded. He's the bartender, just ask for Soveriegn. They'll know what you mean". Before he addresses the next guest, the troll sees something, narrows his eyes. He pulls something resembling a walkie-talkie and begins to speak. "It's Shishido. Get someone to check out the abandoned building across the street. Thought I saw something, fourth floor in the window closest to the front of Mercury". Inside, Mercury is impressive. Taking up three levels, with no less than two dozen soundproofed rooms for conducting busniness in. Some of these rooms also include higher-level security, such as white noise generators, for those who pay for it, but these have not been implemented in every room in order to maintain busniness from the less fortunate of Mercury's customers. The bar is stocked with every spirit people drink and a few they don't. There is a "Chalkboard", which is actually a huge vidscreen on the back wall that lists anything a shadowrunner or a Johnson might be interested in, updated whenever one of Mercury's guys finds something. If you need a job, a runner, a new gun or a place to hide anything new and worth having will be listed there. The bartenders are excellent at their jobs, and probably the second place you'd go if you needed something that a runner would need (the Chalkboard being the first). They know the streets well, but none more so than Sazama Toshiyuki, an ex-runner called Sovereign. Rumour has it (correctly, for once) that he's the owner of Mercury, but no one really knows. Regardless, if he isn't, they don't stand a chance of knowing who it really is. Mercury even has it's own equivalent of a hit squad - half a dozen of the sixth world's best, with military grade gear, training, and experience that only running can get you. They say it's for protection from a police raid. While it's true that they would come in handy in such a situation, having dozens of people with guns in one building tends to mean you're not scared of that sort of thing. The real reason Mercury has them is because these are very dangerous people. There are no bar fights in Mercury, because no one wants Mercury's team to get involved. Things need to be that way if you're gonna allow guns and alcohol in the same place.