[center][h3][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h3][/center] [@Sho Minazuki][@I-Am-X] [hr] Talonite was unwrapping his second Kalos style hotdog of the day, getting ready to dig in to the food at his table. Necro was chowing down on some Pokefood nearby, and Talonite leaned in to take his first bite when disaster struck. A Meteor struck him and he was sent tumbling into the water along with his fold! Talonite burst out of the water gasping for air and saw a Sandshrew snickering at him as it began to turn away. [Color=gray]"Necro, Mean Look! Then chase it and Lick it!"[/color] Necro's floated towards the Sandslash at high speeds and hit it with a Mean Look to pin it in place. Even if it didn't work it continued flying towards the Sandslash with its tough hanging out its mouth in hopes of Licking it.