Inside and out of the Asteroid Colonies, the remaining miners, the Dathu and their Yanthu servitors fought a bitter and bloody battle, every inch taking was at a great cost of the Dathu ground troops, the miners throwing everything at their disposable, thier military training and makeshift military hardware proven enough to stave off their advance, for how at least. The space battle itself was quiet similar, the Ion Cannon Platforms wreaking havoc on any passing by fighter clusters or any incoming troop transports in their sights. Wreckage from both Mining ships, destroyed Ion Platforms and Dathu ships soon enveloped all around the colony, becoming more of a hazard for any spaceborne Dathu ships. Inside one of the colonies, the corridors with littered with human and Yanthu corpses, a lone Dathu Overseer and his centurion guards strolled though the bloodied halls, following a trail of blood leading to the worker barracks, passing through the sliding door, there he saw one dying miner, covered plasma burns and a small hole in his chest made from said plasma weapon. The overseer approached the dying man. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." he spoke mockingly. "To think our people once knelled to your kind centuries ago." "Go to hell." the miner spat at the overseer. "You're in no position to make that call." the Overseer replied. "Although, you did make quite the valiant last stand, it won't mean much, but you certainly have shown me terrans are still capable of being just as brutal as they were before." he paused a moment as he took a small device from one of his guards as it made several beeping sounds, pressing it against his head. "Hmm, yes...understood." he returned the device to the guard as he turned his attention back to the miner. "Seems the battle will be over very soon, you're defenses have fallen, along with most of your people." "Hehe, that's what you think you goddamn xeno." the overseer's antenna perked with slight interest. "Oh? Got a nuke in your pocket?" he mocked once again. The miner started to cough up blood before weakly responding. "...noooope..." he replied, but our sons, daughters and wives escaped...Gaia will know what happened here....and we're gonna take all you bastards with us." without hesitation the dying man pulled out an active grenade, much to the horror of the overseer. "Go to hell." he said once more before he and the overseer were engulfed in a blazing explosion from the grenade.