Callie was oddly pleased as he looked at the charm braelet. She was proud of her work, at times it had taken a long time to prepare, and the charms could work for anyone, although she tended to keep her charms to herself. Not because she was worried they'd be used on her, but because they were all unique, and she'd made them, designed them, herself. She smiled, and shook her head, [color=fff200]"No, I'd never use them against you"[/color] Steak? For breakfast? It seemed a little odd, until she remembered they'd spent the morning hours...well, happily. And she was hungry. [color=fff200]"Steak sounds positively wonderful"[/color] although the thought of going out, reminded her she had very little money. She bit her lip, thoughtful. She needed an income... [color=fff200]"Ah, lead the way"[/color][@Kyrisse]