[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Route 9 : Road to Amalgam University[/center] [center] East Group 2 : [@Alder] [@alexfangtalon] [@1Charak2] [/center] [center] GM : [@floodtalon][/center] [hr] [color=92278f]"Is dinner ready?"[/color], Chance drew his attention back to Lusitania. He merely shrugged, he wasn't quite sure... it wouldn't hurt to check though. He'd hop off the hammock and head over to the cooking fire as he used the ladle to taste test the soup. [color=8dc73f]"Hmmm... I think it's ready!"[/color]. He went to fetch his bag which he left by the hammock, pulling out a few small bowls. He waited for the others to join him by the fire, pouring everyone some soup and handing them a bowl. With a few of his extra bowls he'd pour some for his pokemon, letting Feebas back out of its pokeball and setting the two bowls by his hammock. Before he left his two pokemon to enjoy their meal he grabbed a few cups so he could try the tea. Chance would make sure everyone got some food and tea... the soup-- the taste was alright. Sorta like a chili-salsa hybrid soup, if that even makes sense. For a military ration-type meal its actually pretty tasty and flavorful though. Besides that the tea, tasted like tea, nuff said. Chance and his pokemon would enjoy the meal, honestly they've been starving all morning so this soup was a saving grace. [color=92278f]"Would anyone like to have a small battle before we rest for the day."[/color] Uh- hm, that thought lingered longer than it should've. Blitzy was defenitly too exhuasted to battle, but- hmm... Feebas? She only knows one attacking move... its worth a shot I guess? You can only get better. [color=8dc73f]"Uhm- sure... I guess? After everyone is finished with dinner."[/color] Chance would look around to see if anyone was done, fetching their empty- or full bowls if they were finished eating. Oh and the cups too.