[center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/40870804/large.gif[/img][/center] Hello. I'm Deyedreamer, but you can call me literally anything else [sub][sub]*curses 10-year-old self*[/sub][/sub] Just to forewarn anyone that is reading this, I will be very to-the-point and this Interest Check will be somewhat bare for the time being. I pretty much have a particular craving for a 1x1/small group roleplay right now, so I just want to get this thread up as soon as possible. If you're familiar with the Vampire Diaries, then read on - if not, then I only ask for the absolute basic knowledge, so there's no pressure and you can also still read on. Basically, what I'm looking for is a partner that will partake in a roleplay set in Mystic Falls and following the lives of the young supernaturals living there. Most importantly, this [b]will not[/b] be a canon roleplay. All characters will be original, as will the majority of plot lines. A few baseline rules include: - I'm not interested in roleplaying with someone who is not willing to play a particular gender. It is very likely that my partner and I will end up with multiple characters of varying genders, so open-mindedness is a must. - A very basic understanding of the English language is required. However, I want this roleplay to be reasonably fast-paced, so long posts are not a must. - I also am not insterested in this roleplay being all sunshine and happiness. If you're at all familiar with TVD world, there's a whole load of pain and loss and sad stuff. - Gore is a very likely outcome of some scenarios, but just let me know if you feel uncomfortable. The same goes for the sexy stuff - it is not necessary, but as long as it contributes to the plot then by all means we can do it. Okayyyy so this is it for now, but I will most likely be making a few changes to this in the morning. [b]Shoot me a PM or let me know down below if you're interested![/b]