Markus tore his eyes away from the Ruins and the Orcish barbarism before him to look at Valerie. Their faces were very close as they sat crouched behind the bushes, and he merely looked at her for a few moments in admiration at her suggesting they go forward. Not that he wasn't going to suggest it, but he seemed to have underestimated her daring, despite the fear they both felt. He gave her a small wink, more of a sign of trust that anything. "Follow me," he breathed. They retreated further into the forest, the Swordmage buckling his shield again but keeping his sword out and ready. East they traveled, moving over brambles and gnarled roots, having to twist their legs and hips to avoid sudden bushes and other obstacles of foliage. Markus kept his sword high when he could to keep the blade from getting caught, and they helped one another from slipping more than once, before they made it to the treeline northeast of their previous position. The length of the open ground between their concealed place and the foothills before them wasn't so far, but still far too exposed for their liking. Not to mention the Odd Orc or two that loitered about. Just before them, a particular Orc relieved himself on the bush not six paces away, and this time Markus did cover his nose and mouth. Once the deed was done, the Orc trudged away towards the main camp and roared for more food. Once they were relatively safe, at least safe enough to speak, Markus held silent for a few more seconds, contemplating the best course of action. He then placed a hand on Valerie's shoulder once he broke himself out of his reverie to have her look at him. "I can get us across I think. But not all the way. We'll need to make a dash for the next treeline as soon as my 'blink' spell is done. But...I can teleport us." He held out his hand for her to take, and gave her the nod of a comrade, and something more. A friend. "Do you trust me?"