Viral was welcoming the pain being brought upon him as if he was enjoying it, but it was simply taking him further away from caution as nothing else could get worse than this. This Elite wouldn’t be able to toss him around and crush him if he was already too broken to care. He was losing himself as his thoughts were clouded from the anger he was feeling for this creature of a man, but it was all something that was going to happen eventually to him. He had been holding everything away for a long time and to have one of the men who was responsible for the torture he underwent right in front of him this man was nothing but dead to him and seeing him alive and talking had to be fixed. Trying to claw him apart he watched as he made a desperate attempt to keep away from him, watching as he decided flying was the best option. Grinning widely as the man further fell into the trap of insults before thought, barking out the same old crap he thought was going to get to him all riled up some more. “You think repeating yourself is going to help??” he shouted back, raising his paws above his head as he gathered energy, “I am the perfect killing machine! You are nothing compared to me!” As the man fired a large Ki blast his way he fired his own energy at the attack, the energies colliding, exploding into an array of colours. It wasn’t easy to be fighting like this. It took coordination and some advanced skill was needed to keep in sync, luckily they both had plenty of practice and didn’t need to worry about making too many mistakes that may jeopardise their existence. They had to stay on top of the battle if they were to get anywhere unless they wanted to be seen as the lower class Saiyans they actually were and become unable to get anywhere because they were making too many mistakes. It was the only reason they were able to compete at all and be of any interest to anyone. Right now they were fighting to stay relevant and to be able to keep up with this Elite even if it would probably be not a very long match if they decided to go one after the other. Using their ability to disorient and confuse their opponent they were managing to stay on top for now, but the Elite was soon catching up on their little plan and managed to grab them both, throwing them down to the ground. Collecting themselves after that both Choi and Kai rolled over and fired Ki out at the rubble. It was Choi who had spotted it first, otherwise they were getting into a spot of trouble. Trying to use the blast as cover Kai quickly threw Ki in the direction the Elite was last seen at, trying to give Choi enough time to get going again and hide himself away from this guy’s sight. ---- T’charrl didn’t know if speaking up about it was going to help or if he should’ve just left his father to decide what he was going to be talking about at this time. He felt like he was speaking out whenever he asked about his own needs, as if he was not placing enough faith in his family. Hearing his answer out he just told him that there wasn’t much he was able to do or knew how to help on the advice of others. It was pretty normal for him to be faced with that problem near every day. They hadn’t found others like him too on top of it all, but that wasn’t their fault. He still felt pretty alone, but that wasn’t their fault. All this was just making him feel depressed, it just wasn’t working well for him at all. Sighing a little he looked to Haku when he decided to give his opinion, tilting his head a little before looking away, scratching at his knuckles. “I guess…I mean, I still want to travel, but it wasn’t as if I was asked to do much in the first place…” he spoke, shaking his head, “I’ve never really been asked to do much at all”. Looking to his father again he soon looked away again rather quickly, feeling embarrassed that his body was being investigated. He didn’t like that kind of image of them working out what was wrong with his body behind his back, he felt better when they were there looking over him while he was here. They didn’t pay enough attention of the orbs on him to have it not come up in a topic that started with ‘I was wondering what are those’ or something similar. He wondered what Renthal was busy researching if it wasn’t a concern first, like what else they had noticed that was different other than the fact he could change size and shape. He was just feeling all sorts of embarrassed and worried now, even though he didn’t know if anyone would be able to find out anything at all by the time he left again. If he came back sooner rather than later he didn’t know if everything was going to change even more and yet research about him and his kind was still minimal to non-existent. He just didn’t have a single good thought in his head, but he knew it was nobody’s fault but his. “Garesh…? But…o-of course he’s not going to talk. Why would he want to? He knows stuff but he won’t say because of the obvious reasons…” he spoke before sighing, shaking his head, “I know everyone’s trying, but…it just feels hopeless. I’m supposed to be wise for my age, but I’m barely managing to be that. I don’t know how to be a Prince anymore with this going on. Training is fine…but that feels like the only thing I have that’s going to work for me…”