Just as predicted, the hunter woman was hot on his trail after their initial mix up and it was proving to be much harder to shake her off than he had originally thought. Then, to make matters worst, she started to shoot at him! Otiz immediately tucked his head in and began to run in zigzags, hoping that it would throw her off. He tactic seemed to work and he breathed a sigh of relief as both bullets failed to hit him. But he wasn't out of the woods yet. Otiz was sure that she was planning to shoot at him again but he could no longer run in zigzags like before not that they were on the main street. There were way too many thing he had to look out for, light poles, fire hydrants, trash cans. Now it would be easier to shoot him unless he could find away to completely lose her for good. There was a loud clang behind him and he paused for a moment to look back, only to find that his prayers had been answered in the form of some random barrels. Not that he was complaining; any distraction was a good distraction. Just as Otiz was about to leave, he saw a truck rolling towards the barrels that now lay in the middle of the road and it didn't look as if it would be able to avoid them. Much to his dismay, his prediction was true and he watch in horror as the truck lost control and began hurtling towards the girl who could only stand there in shock. [color=0072bc]"You need to move!!"[/color] Before his brain could even comprehend his movements, Otiz was running back at full speed towards the girl, hoping that he would make it back in time. As both he and the truck got closer to her, time seemed to slow down. Would he make it there first? Or would the truck crush her before he could save her? Or would he get there in time only to get crushed by the truck as well? Thankfully the truck driver was able to slow down a tad bit, which gave Otiz just enough time to tackle the Hunter girl to the ground before the truck crashed into the spot where she'd just been standing moments before. For the second time in less than 10 minutes, Otiz found himself rolling off of her, but his recovery time wasn't nearly as quick as the first time. He managed to sprain his wrist while saving her and he had to find a way to move without hurting it even more. Once he was able to get in a comfortable position, he peered down at her with a concerned look. [color=0072bc]"Hey, are you okay??"[/color] As he waited for her to respond, Otiz spotted her gun a few feet away from where they fell. Wanting to be extra cautious, he reached over with his good hand and grabbed the firearm before chucking it into the street a few yards away. [i][color=0072bc]Just in case.[/color][/i]