[hider=Emmaline Holt] [b]Name:[/b] Emmaline Holt [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Appearance/Physical description:[/b] Emmaline is a pretty young woman with brown hair and dark eyes. She has clear skin and good teeth which is almost unheard of! Relatively short at just over 5'5 years of physical labor have given her a wiry strength that belay her smallish stature. Emmaline keeps her her cut short just above her shoulders so that it doesn't get in the way. She takes little care about her appearance beyond keeping her hair cut and fingernails clean. [b]Practical Items: [/b] Short sword, worn but well cared for. Short bow and leather case. Quiver and arrows. Small buckler. Silken thread and needles. Herbs and unguents. Leather backpack and waterskin. [b]Non-practical items: [/b] Battered pewter emblem of Shallya. Stick of incense, partially burned. [b]Bio:[/b] Emmaline is one of the younger children of a modestly wealthy merchant family in central Riekland. Her parents intended her to wed into the minor nobility one day to aid in their steady social climb to the top of Imperial society. During her seventh year however Emmaline's mother fell seriously ill of a common wasting disease. Sparing no expense her father bought in expensive physicians to treat her but without effect. In desperation he took her to the Sisters of Shallya and prayed for her return to health. Within days of the visit Emmaline's mother began to recover. Grateful beyond words her father decided to pledge Emmaline to the order as a novice. Growing to adulthood as a novice of Shallya was hard on a girl who had never wanted for much. Poor food, little sleep and constant religious devotion were a daily grind which was intended to slowly transform willful girls into dutiful servants of the Goddess. Emmaline did come to love Shallya, though she often struggled to reconcile Her mercy to the pain she saw in the world. Instruction in healing was also a constant, and in the years of civil war, Emmaline soon lost track of how many dying soldiers and maimed civilians she treated. Soldiers would often force the Sisters to treat their wounded to the exclusion of others, a practice which filled Emmaline with bitterness. If thing has gone on like that Emmaline might have settled into a life as a cloisted sister but one night soldiers came to the monestary. To this day Emmaline dosen't know which Elector, or petty lord they served, but they looted the cloister, slaughtered the patients and brutalized the sisters. Emmaline eventually managed to escape but was so traumatized she couldn't bring herself to return to the Sisterhood. For a time she moved from village to village practicing her healing, but such things quickly attracted the attention of Witch Hunters. Lacking any other real option she attached herself to a band of mercenaries who treated her well and were pleased to have a set of skilled hands along. Eventually this road lead her to the City of the Damned. [b]Personality:[/b] Emmaline is a reserved woman who tries to get along with others wherever possible. Her training at the Temple teaches her to empathize with others, a frequent source of pain and disappointment. Although she is learning to fight, she is not personally brave and would prefer to leave the heavy lifting to others were possible. She is relatively demure in most areas with the noticeable exception of dealing with the wounded and sick. When she is in her role as healer she can be as unbending and domineering as any drill sergeant. [/hider]