"Never mind." Ghent was starting to realize how different their lives were. [i]What kind of world didn't have ninjas? [/i] "First of all, I don't hunt. Second...weapons are usually against the law. If I needed to defend myself, I'd use my fists." Now that he'd gotten a look at Elayra's weaponry, Ghent couldn't help but wonder if her scar had come from a fight rather than an accident. Their Wonderland must have been[i] very [/i]different from the film. [b]“The things you see and the things that are, are not always one in the same." [/b]"Um. Okay." Ghent raised an eyebrow, but he didn't make a sarcastic reply as he may have normally. Did they come from Wonderland or a spaceship? Their conversation was undeniably strange, and he felt out of the loop. Nothing was making sense. "[i]She?[/i]" Ghent wasn't on the same page, he wasn't even in the same book. Their cryptic discussion and talk of stains on the ground was downright disturbing. Elayra was starting to sound less like a ninja and more like an assassin. "Uh, yes. For fighting." Ghent didn't bother looking to Drust; the hood hid his features. Even without it, Ghent doubted he could have read him. "Well, I did win." There was a hint of pride in his response as he cut through the alley near the photography studio. "Fighting isn't allowed, though." After the maze of alleyways had been conquered, Ghent stopped at a blue door covered with graffiti. Aside from the moon, the alley had been denied of any light. This had often proved a nuisance when locking up after hours. "A shrink is a person your parents take you to if they think you're crazy." Ghent was halfway joking, but he felt the description to be an accurate one. "You lie in a chair and they ask you a lot of questions. After that, they decide what's wrong with you." Once the key granted them access, Ghent moved his hand along the inner wall until he hit the light switch. The storage room was sizable, albeit untidy. Shelving units lined the walls, and on the opposite side there were cardboard boxes full of product yet to be sold. Thanks to the lack of windows, Ghent believed this the perfect place to have their meeting. Should someone pass the shop, they would have never known of the trio concealed behind the walls. "Make yourselves at home." Ghent invited them inside, though he left the door unlocked. If things started to go south, he wanted a chance to escape.