Meintja gave a shrug, glancing away [color=f7941d]"A fire type is always useful for things. It was stuff that they could have done themselves, but I think they felt sorry for me. I never asked for much, just food if they could spare it. Most people are sympathetic to pokemon."[/color] She looked back to Rasa, and sighed softly, [color=f7941d]"I did things like start fires, warm a room, things like that. Nothing bad. I just helped for a bit of food. There's one man, who owns a cafe, that would deliberately leave food out for me...I don't know why, but I'd rather that didn't go to waste. I'll head to route one after"[/color] Leaving it at that, Meintja gave a nod to Kaiser, and moved off, out of the pokemon center. She made her way through a familiar path, walking with confidnece, even as she glanced around her. She wouldn't put it passed the bat to attack her. Or even her friend, the Zoroa. Shaking her head, Meintja spoke to the handful of people she had had dealings with, telling them she was no longer a free pokemon, and that she wouldn't be around. She didn't realise how hard it would be, until she began. These humans...they had helped her, when she couldn't help herself. IF she'd turn up on their doorstep, rather then making her feel useless they'd find something she could do. They had been kind to her, and given her faith that not all trainers were bad. It was perhaps the only reason why she wasn't running away from Rasa. Meintja saw that same goodness in her, and knew she owed it to these people to give Rasa a chance, even if it meant dealing with the bat. The hardest one was the cafe owner. She made her way to route one after, her expression a little down cast, her eyes rimmed slightly with red, as she rubbed them while she walked. She glanced about, feeling a little uneasy. [@TalijaKey][@latos]