[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Cf16fPh.png?1[/img] [h3]Lets train - Route 1[/h3][/center] [hider=Collab post: TalijaKey & latos] There, was no pain... the light might have stung a little but it was all gone now, something squishy was hanging on to him however, that thing from a second ago that didn't seem to be worth beating up was showering him with affection. However he had no clue who this creature was, who anyone was... or where he even was at this moment. Kaiser was beyond confused, having come out from that void he seemed to be in earlier he didn't know what to expect, but it certainly was not this... he didn't even know what to call this, nothing made sense yet. What had really happened?... and why?... was it what had happened once you got, temporarily set back by powers unrelenting?. He needed to get stronger, needed more power, more... he needed more. The squishy figure that blabbed on about death, about thoughts, feelings... rather boring stuff really that Thore currently didn't pay too much attention too weren't interesting enough for him to stay. The burning tail squishy thing that introduced itself after triggered just about the same mental response, he didn't feel hostility towards them, nor any interest... They didn't seem worthy of his time. Seeing the outside through a door nearby he walked towards it without really caring what he left behind. [hr] As Meintja explained herself and how the people who gave her something to do, could have done those things them self. Rasa smiled a bit, so there were nice people with big enough hearts to help the pokemon population around them. Promising herself right then, when they return here on their journey of fighting gyms. That she would go to that cafe with her team to meet that nice cafe owner. Showing she took good care of the pokemon he once feed. [color=6ecff6]"Take all the time your need, okay."[/color] With that said Meintja left off. Rasa didnt notice Thore leaving her side until he went through the door. As the pokemon didnt spoke yet a single word to her, the trainer wondered if he despite her like Grazia did? But at least the noibat was honest enough to tell her that to the face. Rasa sprinted after Thore and outside on the street. She run up in front of him, blocking his path. [color=6ecff6]"Look, I do know that you had no breakfast, so at least eat this before going...and could you tell me where you have to go at the very least? As you saw I will not stop you if you have something to do. But I would like to at least know it." [/color]She spoke with a determined gaze, raising the piece of bakery goods up into the ground type face. Just under her nose. Deciding it to make those two things team rules. As it appeared her pokemon really needed time for them self. First rule: No skipping breakfast... for pokemon. And having to tell her where they are going, or a reason why are they needing to go. Those sounded like good rules. [hr] The door was self opening so it didn't provide any challenge for Kaiser as he tried to leave, rather he hadn't even considered its existence before it slid open causing him to flinch slightly as he didn't know there was almost invisible walls that could be in his path. Luckily this nearly invisible path blocker was smart enough to move out of his path. Luckily nobody around would probably ever know that Kaiser considered an auto sliding door intelligent enough to evade him. Finally in an element that he actually knew, ground beneath his feet and a sky above he felt better... he was still in the settlement of squishy things from yesterday which was a relief, even if the time had moved from evening to morning in the time it took for him to... escape that weird void thing. Once outside and about he din't really have any clue where to go, he just wanted away from wherever he was previously and into something more familiar. Now he was somewhere more familiar but... he didn't know what to make of it, however he still needed to get stronger... now that he knew that black and blue giant things was a very bad thing to test his strength on and that squishy things seemed to yield to him he knew he needed to eventually get strong enough and overcome black and blue giants. He was just about to set on his path when suddenly a squishy thing blocked his path... and shoved a treat in his face. It was the same squishy thing from a moment earlier, that one that spoke a lot about things... it seemed that this squishy thing insisted on being bothersome even if he haden't disliked whatever she had done to him earlier. Now she was... offering?... something that smelled good, tribute?... yes that was what she was doing. She was offering him tribute, it was a good thing right?. It meant that this creature was not actually challenging him, perhaps its former behavior was also a form of tribute... well it was in his face, was smelling quite good... and he was hungry so why not?... he didn't think of it much and ate it right out of the hand of Rasa as he stopped rather instinctively when his path was blocked to choose an action before continuing. [color=skyblue]"As you saw I won't stop you if you have somewhere to go. But I like to at least know it"[/color] the creature said to him. Won't stop?... Curious it had just stopped him even if it was by his own choice, and now she spoke like she could do it. However he found her Tribute a fair compensation for knowing where he was going... so he raised his hand to point towards route one... more or less a silent statement of saying 'That way' roughly. Coincidence or not, Kaiser was heading where Rasa had wanted to take him, it just happened to be in the same direction that his first choice of path was taking him. Now that he had eaten and pointed he walked forward, figuring the squishy thing would be smart enough to move, if not he would probably need to mow her down as he continued. [hr] Rasa smiled. The big guy was eating food directly out her hand it reminded the trainer of a Spheal. It was actually really adorable. Especially how he all but devoured the treat. Must have been hungry. Maybe he was just shy and not actively hating her to try and run away the moment she looked away? Once done with the food, he pointed down the street that lead to the route 1. The blond trainer moved her hair out the way and looked back up Kaiser nodding with a smile. [color=6ecff6]"Oh you do want to train. Were you so eager to get there, so you didnt even wait for me? Thats fine. Lets find some pokemon to fight, so you can get stronger."[/color] With that said she started walking towards route 1. Turning to check if Thore was going that way or not. She pulled her pokedex and started to check on Kaisers attacks and type weakness. Wondering if his nature was quite, and that was the reason he didnt opted to speak yet. Maybe she could make him more comfortable if she find out what he liked... Somehow find out. [color=6ecff6]"Next time try to wait for me. I wouldnt want you to get lost and in some trouble. And you should try to be nicer towards your teammates...Or at least acknowledge they exist. We are the team Stormbringer you know."[/color] This time Rasa strike a pose as she said the team name.[color=6ecff6] "Its a powerful name dont you think?"[/color] They were already entering the route 1 as it was quite close to the pokecenter. [hr] Whatever he had done something intentional or not, this squishy thing was now following him. Although she insisted on staying ahead of him, she was heading in the same direction as he was going as he had picked their path. Why she was following him was beyond him really, was she now trying to be safe by living in symbiotic relationship with him?. It didn't make him turn around or stop however, even if it was confusing... after all he didn't let this squishy thing slow his advance down. [color=skyblue]"Do you want to train?"[/color] she asked... (Kaiser raises his hand above his head and pull down while doing a Whooo whoo sound xD... /train ... lol World of warcraft joke) Train... train?... No!. he did Not! want to train, he was challenging his limits... testing his strength against anything that happened to be there. Huge difference!, so to speak. Be nicer to his team?... there was a team in I?, that logic did not compute very well in his mind. These very random squishy things was shoving them self upon him, like he suddenly had become their babysitter. It sounded bothersome, was it what he was going to need to live with as he got stronger?... more of these things looking up for him for his power?... how annoying. [color=green]"..Tar..."[/color] he said while letting out his breath, easily translatable into 'sigh'. Ten minutes in the spotlight... and he was already ready to dig down in a hole and start eating the ground again. However... Once on route one, There was a rustle.... and suddenly Larvitar stopped completely, his attention span turning to 200% towards the source of the noise, his stance changing, his muscles tensing and he was perfectly leering towards a patch of grass as everything he had focused on that one single spot. [hr] Apparently her tactic to relaxes the pokemon into saying something worked, as she barely caught the sound from Kaiser. Well it kinda worked. It sounded like tar, could be part of his pokemon name. Or maybe target? Or something else, she wasnt quite sure but considered it a step in the right direction. A rustling came from the side just in the tall grass. Rasa eyed it holding the pokedex on the ready. A brown pokemon jumped just in front of her. It was a Zigzagoon and he was showing his teeth eyeing Thore but then turned towards Rasa speaking to her. Assuming her to be the trainer. [color=f6989d]"Give up or fight to lose." [/color]The pokemon warned. [color=6ecff6]"Fine. Kaiser Thore, show him the power of the storm! Start with a bite!" [/color]Rasa said wanting to gauge how strong the attack would be. Yet the Zigzagoon was faster and used growl in endearing way, an attempt to make his opponent underestimate him. [hr] The breeze made his clothes lightly flutter in the wind, the tension in the air grew thicker and soon a Zigzagoon revealed itself from the grass. Kaiser's eyes narrowed in on the creature, his focus completely on it as the rest of the world just vanished around him. A Smirk crossed the Larvitar's face, it was time... left foot in front he got into a very serious fighting stance. [color=green]"Lar, Larv I-tar... Larvitar ar tar."[/color] 'I will never give in, nor will I surrender.' he replied fiercely fully believing that the pokémon was taunting him. He crocked his body back the slightly before grunting as he gazed at the opponent sharper than ever. The gleam in his sharp gaze was enough to show that he was serious, he could see the squishi-ness of this pokémon and that it only waited for him to rend it... His Sharp '[i]Leer[/i]' was a simple response saying that he would not be intimidated by the growling of the other pokémon. Then he tightened his right fist in front of his face before swinging it down to the right side as he leaped into the air, back flipped and turned into his pokémon form before landing slightly crouched in the same stance. [color=green]"TAAAR!"[/color] He let loose a primal roar before charging the Zigzagoon trying smack it in the face with his stump of arm in a left hook to the face move. Why?... well he didn't exactly know a barrage of moves to use so he improvised. [hr] Thore cry was intimidating as it came as a surprise to Rasa who still tried to figure out why a brave nature pokemon wasnt speaking at all. Minus the the sound he made moments before jumping into the battle. She could have sworn he was the quiet or shy type. The vigor he throw himself into the fight, he definitely wanted to fight. It explained the brave part now. Yet instead of testing the pokemon defences with a bite, he leered and then ... Rasa wanst sure what he was trying to do? A double slap maybe that didnt had the energy to it? He didnt listen to her, and that worried Rasa. Didnt he want to give her a chance as a trainer? Even Grazia did... She wasnt sure how to prove herself as a trainer if her pokemon doesnt let her train him. She hoped if she makes a better strategy he would listen to it? The Zig pokemon shifted in the spot as the larvitar came in impressively, the leer that was a gleaming in the other pokemon eyes, made him lower his guard which was used to start smacking him in the face. The small arms causing a bit of damage. He let a snort out shaking his head. [color=f6989d]"Go cry in your ball, pathetic."[/color] The zigzagoon went through worse. He jumped to the side and turned swiftly to aim himself. Moment later he pushed forward, using his whole body to tackle larvitar in the side. His aim to throw Larvitar off his feet. [color=6ecff6]"Thore! Focus and stop the improvising. Use another leer and follow it with a bite!"[/color] Rasa called out, watching from the sidelines. [hr] It was intense, or was it?... two rather fresh pokémon duking it out. Yet every moment the blink decisions made, the struggle between life and death... yes this was the feeling, the feeling of being alive. When the other pokémon leaped off to gain momentum for a tackle, Larvitar shifted his weight even if it was not a lot around and tanked the hit straight on... dodging was not really much of an option anyway seeing how the opponent was faster, not that he would consider it. He felt the hit, but it merely made him skid back slightly and placed him in perfect range as he grabbed the other pokémon around the neck, spun it around over his shoulder and slammed it into the ground in a neck swing. [color=green]"Tar!"[/color] 'Hyah!' he roared before leaping onto the Zigzagoon to keep it on its back. He would then Go for the softer weaker belly of the Pokémon opening his mouth before chomping down on his opponent as hard as he could. He certainly showed a bit of his own style right there, he might not be a predator... but fighting was in his blood. He was focused, that was sure, completely focused on the battle rather than anything else... His tactic on the flow seemed to be, Leer to lower their defense... tank their hit... use their attack against them and then counter. Perhaps the pokémon would regret its most recent life decisions when he felt a earth eater's attack to his chest/belly. [hr] Larvitar took the hit, and to Zigzagoon suprise used the momentum of the tackle to throw him on the back and bite into his exposed belly. That hurt making him wince. The normal type pokemon hated bites. He twitched his tail up and used it to slap Kaiser over the face, in hopes to get dirt into the pokemon eyes or make him let go. He knew he could take one more bite like this before it gets dangerous for him, so he opted to do what his plan was from the beginning. The Zigzagoon howled loudly calling for help. Rasa then heard several rustling coming from all around them. Instead of several pokemon that she awaited to gang up on them [url=http://img10.deviantart.net/e651/i/2016/316/0/7/yungoos_by_pkgrl-dao602s.jpg]only one girl[/url] jumped out, switching from her pokemon self to the human one. Rasa saw the girl movement continuing towards her own pokemon back and shouted in hopes he could avoid this. [color=6ecff6]"Thore behind you! Roll away!" [/color] Her grin was wide with sharp teeth and then she tried to kick Thore in the back as he was still over Zigzagoon. [hr] He was winning, he was winning!... his foe squirmed beneath him where it belonged, in the gravel beneath his feet!... it tried to get him off but he wouldn't let go... even as it whipped his face with its tail he wouldn't let go... the dust and sand was more of a nuisance than it was dangerous and for a rock and ground type it wasn't enough to shake him. He was about to go for the finishing bite when he actually heard Rasa's voice shout, Behind you!... Roll away... it was the first time in this battle he had considered another existence than himself and his opponent. He glanced back to catch what looked like another foe closing in on him fast, He didn't have the time!... The advantage of being small was that he could dodge easier, however rolling away would only be a temporary solution and then he have two foes on top of him... He leaped over the Zigzagoon pulled back as hard as he could lifting the squishy creature in the air between himself and the incoming kick just in time for it to punt the now two of them away quite a distance. His fangs, jaw and body was hurt from the force of it even if it was cushioned he landed on his back after dropping the Zigzagoon. He gritted his teeth as he leaped to his feet changed form to Gijinka and wiped the blood of his mouth... whose blood it was, his own or the Zigzagoon's he did not know... what he did know however was that if Rasa haden't called out for him to dodge it, that there was an enemy behind him... he would surely not have been able to defend himself against it. Perhaps having two more eyes weren't such a bad thing after all?... he placed himself between Rasa and the two opponents, that way his back wouldn't be exposed like before... or at least he hoped so as he had to keep his eyes on two opponents. What now?... he had never fought two opponents at once, even in town the confusion had led to him being able to move about rather well, now however they were in the open, alone... exposed. He Leered at the new foe not knowing that Reinforcement would arrive soon. [hr] The Yungoos kick got interrupted as her target jumped over the other normal type and managed as well to throw Zigzagoon into her. Making them both fall some distance away. She now having hands full of the other pokemon, who got more damage than her from the throw. Her eyes fixed onto the rock type as she pulled a oran berry out her pocket and gave it to the zig pokemon who was barely holding on. The zigzagoon bleed a bit, but that stopped the moment he swallowed the offered oran berry. He was still hurt but in a much better condition. The zigzagoon jumped off the other pokemon just as Larvitar moved in front of his trainer. Now it was time for them to team up. the yungoos stood leering with her own glare and shiny teeth full smile. Rasa watched how Thore all but managed to throw his opponent, hearing her warning just in time. It could have been the end maybe right then. She was impressed on the pure strength he showcased right there, even if his teeth must have suffered. Yet it wasnt the end of suprises. He moved in front of her, his back towards her. What ever she did, it must have worked. He was protecting her or trusting her as a trainer. It made her heart warm up. There was no time to be overjoyed, they were in mid of a fight. With two vs one. They could do this. She had still two potion if things go really bad. It was around that time Thore used another leer, affecting both opponents, when she heard footsteps and from the corner of her eye saw Meintja approaching. [color=6ecff6]"Meintja, great timing. Could you help with a double battle? Like now?" [/color] With her their odds would be evened out and it would be a easy fight definitely. The next words were directed to Kaiser in front of her. [color=6ecff6]"You did great till now, lets now win this as a team." [/color] [/hider] [@Caits][@Iatos]