[@Bright_Ops] [quote=@Holy Soldier] Out of nowhere, a strange boy suddenly fell from the sky on top of Gredy. The lock of hair sticking up from Cyndaquil’s head stood straight up in startle before he curiously walked over to the boy. Dante crouched over the kid, assessing his health. [color=f7941d]“It’s a Weedle and he’s hurt bad.”[/color] Dante then stood, glancing over at the mob of trainers that were starting to get rowdy. He looked over at Gredy and told him, [color=f7941d]“It’s not safe here.”[/color] [/quote] Laying on the ground in pain, and about to pass put, Weedle pulled back a bit as he noticed the fire-type approach; being a bug-type, Weedle was understandably afraid of fire. But hearing the Cyndaquil express concern over his health made Weedle relax somewhat as he stared up at the Cyndaquil and the human with a piteous expression. Weedle wondered if these two were kind souls who were perhaps going to help him. Of course, no self-respecting wild pokemon would ever assume that, and in his position would, despite the damage already taken, attempt to pick himself up and either lash our or make a run for it to prevent getting caught. Unfortunately, Weedle hadn't always been the brightest of pokemon.