[center][H2][color=f26522]Gredy Silvertongue[/color][/h2][/center] Rubbing his head a little as he looked at the Weedle, Gredy glanced upwards for a moment to ensure that there weren't anymore falling bug pokemon to have to worry about before looking back ground wards. Taking the time to check out the Weedle's wounds, he considered his options for a moment before quickly coming to a decision. "[color=f26522]Hey, I want to get you to a pokemon center to get healed up but I don't want to pick you up and risk hurting you further. Would you be against me putting you in a pokeball so I can move you safely? I can always release you again afterwards if you like.[/color]" Glancing around at what was very quickly turning into a riot in the making (and considering the pokemon being used, a rather nasty one at that), Gredy frowned a little before nodding his head while turning to look at Dante. "[color=f26522]It does sound like desecration might be the better part of valor right now...[/color]" Thinking for a moment, he actually turned in order to shout out a question for Reginald Sherman to (hopefully) hear and answer "[color=f26522]Hey, would you mind if I did that registration at the pokemon center in a bit?! Got a badly injured Weedle here that needs some medical attention![/color]" [@Stern Algorithm][@Holy Soldier]