[center][h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1][/center] [center]Route 9 : Road to Amalgam University[/center] [center] East Group 2 : [@Alder] [@alexfangtalon] [@1Charak2] [/center] [center] GM : [@floodtalon][/center] [hr] [color=007236]"You know if you ever need help with dinner I could always...Chance? What happened to you?" "Training with your pokemon is admirable and all, but you aren't supposed to train with them. You'll be dead before the week's over."[/color] By the time he asked the meal was already done, Chance and his pokemon had finished the meal pretty quick. Blitzy had already finished hers and leaped back onto the hammock, immediately falling asleep. Chance would listen to Leo, tilting his head a bit at the last part... not really understanding what he was referring to. [color=8dc73f]"Uhhm... me and Blitzy-- and uhm..."[/color] Chance would look down at his still unnamed Feebas. Feebas had managed to find a suitable way to "stand" on the ground. She'd hobble her way over to Chance, she didn't hate him- but nor did she really have any respect for him. Nonetheless the Feebas would slap her trainer's leg, even if their relationship at this point, was kinda neutral. [color=8dc73f]"ow..." "Got attacked by a bunch of Spearows..." "I'm perfectly fine though!"[/color] He'd continue trying to reassure them that he was fine. [color=8dc73f]"Ah-anyway. I guess Feebas could battle..."[/color]