[hider=WIP CS] [b]Name[/b]: Piotr fon (the Russified version of "von") Stirlitz [b]Age[/b]: 44 (Born January 3rd 1900) [b]Gender[/b]: [s]Sexually identifies as a Ruski submarine[/s] Male [b]Nationality[/b]: Russified German; ethnically uncertain [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/97eb2d564f060618d2566400beb2d317/tumblr_myoy8iTrR31rpmzbdo4_1280.jpg[/img] A relatively tall man for the time a 6'0 he has very thick stubble though not quite a beard of a deep black, blue eyes, [b]Favored Weapon(s)[/b]: RPD, sawn off Mosin model 1930, RGD-33 Grenades and a Polish officer's Szabla. [b]Skills and Talents[/b]: apart from the normal skills of a soldier, he is incredibly strong and fit most notably able to remain relatively mobile even when encumbered albeit at the cost of needing to be transported by car or such when not in combat to keep up his strength. [b]Squad Role[/b]: heavy weapons support, breaching and clearing. [b]History[/b]: He was born early in the year of 1900 to a Russified noble German family who arrived in what is now Ukraine during the Napoleonic wars. They decided to stay when they profited very well off of the agrarian Russian economy. Closer to the "present" his family supported the Tsardom economically but did not want to go fight their German kin. However when the Russian revolution broke out they fought tooth and nail to keep the monarch in charge. However the Communists had won and so they were enemies of the new state. They were sent to various prison camps working in various Kolhozs until 1929 where thanks to bureaucracy, incompetence, luck and limited kindness they were able to return to normal life albeit even more poor than the rest of the Soviet Citizenry. Now a roughly middle aged man, he was very conflicted being both heavily influenced by his family's more traditional values and what the USSR has taught him. [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Other Info[/b]: He wears a hodge-podge of armour and gear; German WW1 era Lobster armour, a Soviet Steel Bib, Ssh-40 helmet, a gas-mask, and over it is strapped a upper half of a WW1 German sniper's face plate the lower half cut off to allow for the gas-mask. [/hider] I decided against the Free Polish having gotten a better idea, see. Still a heavy type guy a little inspired by the fat bastard from BF1