[center][h1][color=8493ca]Sean Williams[/color][/h1][/center] [center][@Seirei No Hai][/center] [hr] Sean didn't exactly expect instant forgive ness, so he wasn't exactly surprised. The armored person slightly unnerved him however. If she really became upset with him, of course he'd leave, but if she tried to attack him, that'd just be uncalled for. Luckily however, the elf interceded and spoke for herself. She wasn't feeling very forgiving either, despite the smile she had which he found misleading, but nice. It looked like peach juice wouldn't just smooth things over, but he was okay with discussing things with her and working things out. He'd leave the peach juice out though, just so she knew the offer was still on the table...[i] [color=8493ca] I'll just roll with the punches and sort things out. Maybe we can still be friends regardless! [/color][/i] Sean thought hopefully before he responded. [color=8493ca]"I can agree, I'm not the best with apologies, I'm sorry. I also get that just an apology isn't going to make up for making a scene in there. I wasn't doing it to bring attention to you or anything, it's just that I was taught to stand up for other people, I just lack tact occasisionally, and tend to get in other people's business. I'd really like to be friends though, so what can I do to make this right? By the way, my name's Sean, what's yours?"[/color] Sean asked, trying to at least know what to address her by, as elf girl wasn't very polite, nor did he think she'd enjoy that pseudonym. Sean also hoped he wasn't going to seem weird for trying to be friendly.