[@Keyguyperson] I guess the best way to put it would be like "early" sci-fi mate with variation; you got the land and colonies and the tech but not the massive and complex hyper futuristic near-magic tech. Not the most descriptive I know but its the best I can do right now :c If anything, I'd say that early-game Stellaris would be a decent starting point if you know of that game. I would tell you not to fear about what you're NS will be like and should think of it more of a first draft rather than a finished product. As of right now the system we have of basically democratic NS review should let us work with you more once we see some bits of it. From a story stand point, it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue if you're more low tech than you are high tech in comparison to everyone else. It could also be safer in this RP to be a bit weaker as we're hoping that the review system can snuff out the powergaming, arm/tech races and e-penis measuring contests you normally see in NRPs. Also, more of a @All thing but still applicable, don't overdo yourself with making it look fancy and pump it full of details and stuff. My own NS was literally a copy paste of the NS skeleton with some quick blurbs that I added art and detail and a ship section later on. Just have enough for review on your first go and start going into details once you've been accepted. That said, I am actually starting to wonder if we should have sentient AI right now [@MissingAxis], I feel like that they could be used in a future event chain or something like that for plot purposes. (I actually have a few running through my head atm so yeah >-<)