[center][h2][color=9e0039]Maaz[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WXXwrTB.png[/img] [/center] [hr] Maaz had been tapping his booted foot incessantly on the tiled cafe floor as thoughts churned in his head. Sure, Chasers were a resourceful and hardy bunch, diverse in background and ability, but the Association, though global, was still nowhere near as influential as their corporate opponent, he imagined. The Assocation deals with the Crimson Sky and the Youkai that inhabit the realm, while Yotsuba Tech essentially has their name on every electronic product in Japan and other first and third world countries. The general populace relies on the YTC to provide them a slew of medicinal and technological products, both necessary and luxury, to indulge in, so everyone knows who they are. Toppling them would cause a massive amount of instability worldwide. Millions -- no, more like billions -- would suffer in the wake of the corporation's downfall, including him. They have 'real world' power. But Chasers? Who knows about what the Chasers do except for the select few individuals not apart of the Hunters' Assocation, the organization itself, and Youkai? Of course, if Chasers were to disappear, that would also spell trouble for the real world. There was also another unfortunate realization about Chasers which Maaz had just come upon: disorganization. As a whole, they weren't very unified. The grand portion was quite self-centered and concerned themselves only with making the next paycheck, but friendships were forged, regardless. So, at least there was that. A shame the structure of the Hunters' Assocation was a tad precarious. Maaz concluded on his own that he didn't want to involve himself in butting heads with one of the most powerful companies on the face of this planet unless he was absolutely certain that he would make it out alive. Perhaps the most troublesome thing Yotsuba Tech had was guards along with soldiers. And those typically have guns. Military-grade guns, in fact. And guns suck. Magic, superhuman strength and other eldritch powers are incredibly useful, there's no doubt about that . . . But guns are especially dangerous. The majority of Youkai Maaz fought in the past didn't carry assault rifles. They had claws, teeth, swords, shields, fists, legs, other medieval weaponry, and magic. Bullets were fast, hot, and very capable of hurting like hell. Guns are so useful that even [i]Chasers[/i] use them because they know how effective as weapons they are. A well-placed bullet to the head can kill most Chasers he knows of. And a lot of them, like himself, don't own a gun. Maaz had a hunch that the YTC could afford plenty of them. Then there was always military-grade weaponry which fired something other than bullets . . . Needless to say, he was stressed. It wasn't like Chikage herself declared war on the YTC. She just said that they 'had something to with it', 'it' being an elder evil which would usher in the apocalypse. Mentally, all Maaz saw this as was being between a rock and a hard place. Mess with the hornet's next known as the YTC and potentially fuck [b][i]a lot[/i][/b] of shit up or face extermination. Maaz lowered his head further, and the tapping of his foot ceased. The cash that he previously reached for to pay for Sheolred's apple juice was hanging half-way out of his pocket. Seemingly fading out of his overly concerned state, he remembered the greenskin's request. [color=9e0039]"Right . . . Right,"[/color] Maaz muttered. He slid the money towards Dinky after setting it on the counter. Once Sheolred had finished speaking, Maaz was about to answer, but then Elliot abruptly inserted his string of loud boastings, following it by destroying restaurant property with the glass which was a bit vexing, to say the least. More obnoxious for Dinky, probably, since she'd have to clean that up. Elliot's booming voice nearly made Maaz want to cover his ears. [color=9e0039][i]Note to self: don't associate with this dumbass.[/i][/color] Glancing back down at the ground and sighing, Maaz nodded curtly and responded to Sheolred's mild chiding. [color=9e0039]"Yeah, you're right about that. We don't really have a choice in the matter. Damn..."[/color] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Heap241]