[Collab between Rex, Arty Fox, and Letter Bee] If Mac had teeth he would've been clenching them tightly. Even after a trip throug the Fae realm seeing someone change into a shark monster was an unsettling sight. For a moment Mac was aiming to charge at Pain, but several hard prods to his right shoulder told him otherwise: go for Panic. "Just like Saturday night." Mac lied to himself. There weren't any sharks on Saturdays. With a shout Mac sprinted towards Panic, aiming to deal sideway blow to the face.The Illusion of Cheese vanished from where it stood. Two other appeared on either side of Mac, following his charge, with violet eyes and daggers forward. Upon reaching Panic the two illusions simply passed through him and vanished. Mac was left to attack on his own. Small as thumb and shining bright Cheese appeared just in front of Pains nose. Her overly large violet eyes sparkled with glee when she threw a piece of glass shaped like a flame into his eye. Cheese quickly lurched backward to avoid the flames that would suddenly pour forth. “Son of a bitch!” Pain screamed as the flames exploded into his eyes. He flailed wildly as he tried to hit Cheese. He stopped and tensed up and he yelled, “Damn it Panic. This chick just blinded me! Why are you always attracted to the crazy ones!” Panic meanwhile would swipe at the cheese illusions only to have his claws faze through them. Panic grunted as Macs weapon slammed into the left side of his face. Panic staggered back as he shook his head to clear the cobwebs in his head. He lifted his right claw and wiped the blood that was oozing out his wound. A smile formed on his face as his tongue slithered out his mouth and he licked the blood from his claw. His tongue was dark blue with silver spikes on either end of it. Panic looked over to his bother and said, “you’re not blind you moron. Did you forget you’re right eye can’t be destroyed?” Pain shook his head and removed his hand from his eyes. His left eye was singed shit from the flames, but part of the right side of his face had melted off and revealed the metal skull under his fabricated skin. His right eye glowed green as he scanned the area around him. Pain sighed and said, “Yeah well, if anyone found out about me. I’d be dismantled.” “Sure you would,” Panic said a little annoyed before he turned to Mac and said, “Look, I’m not interested in you boy. I’m more interested in your girlfriend. So, unless you want to be my next meal. I’d suggest you swap and kill Pain.” “Hey!” Pain argued. Mac almost ‘whooped’ for joy: he had hit the enemy AND caused damage. He then cringed in disgust. This was very different to fighting the Heartless. He could hear his heart pounding away in his chest as it drove adrenaline rampant through his body as Panic rambled on in front of him. He breathed in, and then out again. Instead of replying Mac decided to try and take another swing at Panic: an overhead one that left him open for an attack. Panic snarled as Mac went to attack him again. Panic this time jump back and smiled as he saw an opening to attack Mac. He took it and charged forward as his claws twitching with anticipation. With a yelp of surprise Mac stumbled, but managed to keep his balance. The strike from pain brutally knocked the air out of Macs lungs and him rolling across the ground. Thankfull the shield charm had done it's job preventing any actual harm being done to him. Mac dragged himself up from the ground. "Damn that hurt." The green glow of Pains eye had wiped the cocky smirk from Cheese’s face. Cheese knew that humans had hundreds of different technologies capable of making the invisible, visible. Additionally, while Cheese knew she could fight off anyone with a metal weapon, as several rowdy customers had learned, she didn’t want to push her luck against someone with a metal body. Cursing herself for still being rusty, Cheese swore loudly. She could feel a small migraine coming on. ((I moved it up a bit Rex just to make it flow a bit better :) )) “Mac.” Giving up on being Invisible Cheese zipped over to the other pair. “Terminator, swap.” Mac didn’t get a chance to respond before he was shoved to the side. In the blink of an eye Cheese now stood in front of Panic. She had altered her appearance again, standing at full human size Cheese had opted to smooth out all her sharp angles. Her clothes were torn in ‘strategic’ places. “I’ll handle big boy here.” Cheese held her dagger loosely in her right hand. “Wear protection.” Mac knew exactly where this was going. Following Cheeses advice Mac scrambled up from the ground and decided to concentrate his attacks on Pain instead. However, Panic skidded to a stop when he saw Cheese push Mac and stand in front of him. Panic’s smile grew as she showed off his serrated shark teeth. He licked his lips and his tail seemed to twitch with excitement,. “Thought you’d never come around sweet cheeks,” Panic taunted before he added; “I had thought when Pain mentioned a tag team like us. I’d just be bored out of my mind and remain in in that weapon form. However, with you here, things have gotten a hell of a lot better.” His eyes went from Cheese’s head to her feet and back up as he examined her from top to bottom. “Got to say: I’ve never seen a specimen quite as exquisite as you,” Panic said before he raised his right hand and pulled one of the large placoid scales from his body. He then did the same thing with his left hand. He held both large placoid scales in his hands like daggers. From the large holes where the placoid scales where ripped off. Grew more to replace the one’s he had lost. He spun one of the placoid scales in his hand and said, “Let’s get this dissection party started.” With that he charged towards Cheese. Cheese let her lip curl with disgust and decided to abandon her previous plan; she had standards, and besides there were plenty of other enemies whose names she could take. Additonally Seth owed her that favour. She let her illusion drop and her harsh edges returned. "There won't be enough of you left." Cheese held another glass flame, three times the size of the one she had thrown at Pain, and pushed it forward towards Panics mouth. “Oh thank god,” Pain said with a sigh of relief before he said, “I don’t think I could hurt a girl. Even if she did try and blind me, and burn me alive, and attempt to kill. However, I can’t really fault her for it, but at least I’m fighting a comfortable fight. Even if you kind of look like Jukebox.” Pain readied himself and charged Mac. He kept his shield up as he charged forward, but when he got in range. He quickly stopped and jumped back as his shield glowed and morphed into a revolver. He fired three shots in hopes the bullets would find their targets. While Mac had held up his Keyblade to defend against the charge it did nothing against the bullets that zipped through. Two of the bullets bounced off the shield charm with high pitched squeals the third however dropped to the ground when it had hit with a low thud, like someone hitting a piece of meat. Three steps back Mac felt himself starting to bruise and an odd preassure pressing around him; the shield charm was breaking. In desperation Mac considered reaching into his back pocket for a spell but hesitated with one hand just above the pocket. "Oh just shut it." Mac again took hold of his keyblade with both hands. Mac barely had a moment to prepare his attack when something stopped him. A burst of light erupted to his right coupled with a blast of heat strong enough to singe the hairs on his arms. Only for Pain to suddenly find that several C4 explosives had appeared on his body out of nowhere, exploding at the very next second. Once the smoke cleared, he would find Homura, with Madoka sitting quietly in the far corner of the abandoned factory, holding a cattle prod that sparked with electricity. She would then vanish, and yet another moment later, Pain's metal skull would feel the shock of lightning, enough to knock out a full-grown bull. Should he turn around, he would find that Homura had vanished again. It was then that Tocsax and Drake would appear from a Corridor of Darkness, right behind Pain and Panic! "I'd advise you to surrender," Tocsax then summoned a dozen Samurai Nobodies to accentuate the point*. "Or teleport away like cowards; that works too." Cheese held her shriek caged behind gritted teeth. A horrible stench of burning wood filled her nostrils and searing pain consumed her left arm up to her shoulder. Cheese knew that only a charred stump was all that remained of hand. Despite this Cheese still stood tall with her blade held tightly in her right hand prepared to strike. "Stupid, stupid, stupid." She should've pulled her magic together before striking not during. A cocky rookie mistake that was now costing her. "Get the princess away!" Cheese screamed. With that, Madoka was teleported to the [i]Ruler of the Sea[/i]. *https://www.khwiki.com/Samurai