[center][color=#ffffff][h1]【[u][b]Tatasuko, Sunōfurēku[/b] - [i][/i][/u]】[/h1][/color] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1954/sample_3b60ce6623f16b33c3267deb27169de46ed92f48.png?2039754[/img] 【[url=roleplayerguild.com/]Theme I[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=roleplayerguild.com/]Theme II[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=roleplayerguild.com/]Theme III[/url]】 [h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Don't blame yourself...The second Ryūshi Tōzoku was released your fate was sealed."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center][hider][center][u][b][h2]【Personal Info】[/h2][/b][/u][/center] [hider][indent]【[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Tatasuko, Sunōfurēku 【[u][i]Nicknames:[/i][/u] Rēku 【[u][b][i]Alias:[/i][/b][/u] 【[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 429 【[u][i]Age Appearance:[/i][/u] 24-ish 【[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female 【[u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Shinigami 【[u][i]Former Rank:[/i][/u] Captain 【[u][i]Former Division:[/i][/u] Ninth 【[u][i]Additional Appearance Info:[/i][/u] Standing at roughly five feet six inches and weighing a mere one-hundred sixteen pounds Rēku wears the standard outfit of the old gotei with the exception of her haori. Her haori she replaced the symbol of her division with the symbol of her clan, the Tatasuko. Her zanpakuto rests diagnoally across her back going from her right shoulder down to the left side of her hip. The strap that runs along the same path at the front of her body a shimmering black with a buckle also in the shape of the Tatasuko clan's symbol. 【[u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Tatasuko, Sunōfurēku a girl known by her peers as Rēku, became one of the youngest lieutenant to date. Dying at such an early age not many had hope for the child, but she showed high promise to at least one shinigami who adopted her and sent her to the academy, which she graduated from ahead of schedule and achieved her shikai not long after. Making lieutenant only thirteen years after her shikai appeared Rēku was easily on the fast track to success leaving many to wonder just how far she would reach, and also just how fast. To most peoples not so much surprise Rēku did not advance in an explosive way after that point. As most shinigami know that reaching higher than that takes a lot of time, experience, and effort usually even for a rare gifted individual. Luckily Rēku had found her place in the ninth division. For a few years several throughout the Gotei 13 thought that letting someone so young and inexperienced was the biggest joke ever made by the captain of the ninth division. Of course this did not express the feelings of the division in which she was lieutenant of for they had seen her with their own eyes while on missions. She had earned the respect of all of her division within a year and any new person to the squad was quickly taught a lesson. What finally gained Rēku the respect of the other divisions was an attack in one of the districts by a abnormally large number of hollows. The response force was overwhelmed and probably would have been slaughtered. Luckily for them Rēku had been out exploring the districts for some personal time alone from the divisions when it had taken place and arrived in time to kill the hollows and save the Gotei members. After that event most people within the Gotei began to respect Rēku as a lieutenant and started looking at the good qualities that she had, quickly noting her aptitude for kido, and the control she had over her zanpakuto. After that event the next century went by with little incident. Rēku killed hollows, kept the peace, and tended to her duties as lieutenant. Then one day Captain Takeyama told her that he wanted her to succeed him as captain of their division one day and so he decided to take her out and train with her every day for a few hours as long as the job didn't interfer with anything. Finally after another two centuries Rēku challenged her captain. The entire division had known the day would come. No one hated Rēku for challenging Captain Takeyama. The fight lasted roughly thirty minutes of back and forth kido being launched and deflected, their zanpakuto clashed, and finally Captain Takeyama changed things up when he released his earth based zanpakuto Ishi Jūden-ki. Rēku kindly responded with releasing her own zanpakuto Ryūshi Tōzoku. After that the battle was over in only a few more minutes with then former Captain Takeyama on his knees acknowledging he had lost to the new captain of the division. Being called Captain Tatasuko by most was a little odd at first for Rēku. The man who adopted her, her father, Zume was the captain of the twelfth division. So now there were two captains with the same name. Of course her father probably wasn't surprised at all, but he made it known that he was proud of her and her achievements thus far and that made Rēku proud of herself. At this point she was still extremely young for being a captain. In the end even if someone wanted to, they couldn't say anything since she had defeated her captain with the appropriate wittnesses. The nice thing was she could still go visit her old captain for advice, or just to vist which is what it normally was. Of course there were still whispers about her age once more since she was now a captain and only looked nineteen years old. She had grown used to it though and flat out didn't care by this point. At this point Rēku would seem to disappear a few days at a time but always seemed to make it back before anyone really worried. She still managed to make to every meeting, even any emergency meeting so no one ever complained. This went on for another century until one day the entire Seireitei was invaded. Everyone was driven to the world of the living. Disgraced with defeat the Gotei had spread out among the world. This gave her plenty of time to work on what she had been working on before. Finally Rēku had mastered her bankai. 【[u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Like many children, Rēku began as a little brat, but over the centuries she mellowed out and matured. Despite her youthful appearance she learned much from the long years. To her friends she became kind, gentle, and even caring. To her father she was a serious and dedicated--if the somewhat egotistical. To her foes she was ruthless and without mercy as in her eyes they were worthless, and she had no issue revealing this to them. As with all people Rēku is a person with many facets, though many are harder to define. [indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Notable Traits】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent]【[b][i]Likes/Dislikes[/i][/b]】 [indent][color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Nature [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Drinking tea while sitting outside on a warm day with a cool breeze [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Fighting and killing her enemies [color=#00FF00]✔[/color] Making her father proud of her [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Dealing with idiots [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Having her time wasted [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Feeling helpless, or useless [color=#FF0000]✘[/color] Paperwork[/indent][/indent] [indent]【[b][i]Defining Traits[/i][/b]】 [indent][indent][i]Positive[/i][/indent] [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Watchful [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Resourceful [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Confident [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Patient [color=#00FF00]▲[/color] Thoughtful [indent][i]Neutral[/i][/indent] [color=#828282]☯[/color] Strategic [color=#828282]☯[/color] Easily Excited [color=#828282]☯[/color] Carefree [color=#828282]☯[/color] Blunt [indent][i]Negative[/i][/indent] [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Egotistical-ish [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Condescending [color=#FF0000]▼[/color] Adrenaline Seeker [/indent][/indent] [/hider][indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Relationships】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent][indent][i][b]NAME: Tatasuko, Zume - Father[/b][/i] [indent]Zume adopted Rēku only a few years after she appeared in one of the districts. So Rēku has known Zume essentially her entire life and has dedicated herself to proving herself worthy of his acceptance. To her Zume is probably the most important person in existence due to him saving her, raising her, and even giving her the chance to become a shinigami.[/indent] [i][b]NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis/Lover/Spouse etc[/b][/i] [indent]Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.[/indent] [i][b]NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc[/b][/i] [indent]Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Equipment】[/h2][/b][/u][/center][hider] [indent][indent][i][b]Item name:[/b][/i] [indent]Insert lots of text under these.[/indent] [i][b]Item name:[/b][/i] [indent]Insert lots of text under these.[/indent] [/indent][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Capabilities】[/h2][/b][/u][/center][hider][indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【General Aptitude】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider][indent][sub][h3][u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u][/h3][/sub] Rēku tends to go for a more strategic style of fighting. She isn't one for hacking and slashing, or punching things. Rēku tends to use her zanpakuto's abilities, and mixes in kido since that's her specialty. Whether she crashes a building on top of someone, or blasting them with a kido point blank to make an opening for the one strike she'll make with her zanpakuto physically. She will do anything creative to get the job done. [indent] Reiryoku: 4 Reiatsu: 0 Alignment: 2 Zanjutsu: 0 Offense: 0 Defense: 0 Resonance: 5 Hakuda: 0 Offense: 0 Defense: 0 Physical strength: 4 Kido: 5 Kido Power: 5 Perception: 5 Hoho: 4 Mobility: 5 Resilience: 4[/indent][/indent][/hider] [indent][indent][indent][indent][u][b][h3]【Specialization】[/h3][/b][/u][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][hider] [indent][indent][indent][i][b]Bakudo #68 Saiten tsume(採点爪 'Marking talon'):[/b][/i] [indent]Requiring the user to keep their finger trained on the target, this spell, after ten seconds of sustained pointing, during which time they succeed in following their target’s movements, the kido will create a small physical mark somewhere on their body. Once this mark forms, a link is created between individuals, allowing the caster to sense the target. This effect is one way, and may be disrupted by way of using reiatsu to destroy the mark laid by the kido.[/indent] [i][b]Bakudo #60, Enkeikousoku(Binding circle):[/b][/i] [indent] After chanting, a spell is planted in the ground that activates after being stepped on. It releases a light in a pillar upwards, immobilizing whatever stepped on it, similar to Geki, though several times stronger. Once cast, the ground glows once before disappearing. [sub]Thanks again Gan![/sub][/indent] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [center][u][b][h2]【Zanpakuto】[/h2][/b][/u][/center] [center][i][b]Sealed State[/b][/i] [img][/img][h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Ryūshi Tōzoku, you're more beautiful than the stars around us."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center] [indent][i][u]Additional Description:[/u][/i] [i][u]Inner World & Spirit:[/u][/i] [indent][/indent] [u][b]Zanpakuto Personality:[/b][/u] [/indent] [center][i][b]Shikai[/b][/i] [img][/img][h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Devour and create...Ryūshi Tōzoku."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center] [indent][u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] Ryūshi Tōzoku's ability is to convert the matter it touches into an unstable energy particle that seems to float in the air as shimmering light. Ryūshi Tōzoku accomplishes this by letting matter pass through the blade which is actually a casing. While matter is inside the blade it is converted into the special particle and then released. The factor for which allows Ryūshi Tōzoku to break down matter as it passes through the blade is a black hole. In fact there are twenty seven back holes in total along this twenty-seven inch blade each encased in a one inch blade bit. Each blade bit is essentially an arrowhead but in a one inch shape of the tip of a double edged sword and can detach from the rest of the blade bits. While it looks as if they fly through the air independently, they actually are being pulled forward by taking in whatever is in its path. These bits are capable of turning, not at a very sharp angle while alone, but when more than one blade bits are around they are capable of messing with gravity enough to move more unpredictably, and more if enough are working together. Now when you get down to the speed of the blade bits, each one individually can move seven meters a second and for each connected blade bit it can move an additional seven meters per second. This adds up to twenty-seven total blade bits that can detach together. This adds up to a maximum of one-hundred eighty-nine meters per second. It should also be noted that this will also affect how quickly it can turn around. [indent][b][u]Techniques[/u][/b][hider] [indent] [i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Shōten bakushuku(焦点爆縮 'Focal point implosion') is a technique utilizing a variable amount of blade bit working together in a ring, or circle of some kind to create a gravitational force which heavily pulls on everything around it. The more blades in the ring the stronger the pull. [i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Jūryokuido(重力井戸 'Gravity Well') is a technique utilizing all twenty-seven blade bits to create a tornado of blade bits going in multiple directions. This causes a gravitational pull that pulls on everything in the surrounding area. The huge difference between this technique and Bakushuku chūshin is that things that try and pass through this tornado to the center are quickly ripped apart and drawn into the surrounding blade bits creating the problem in the first place. It also doesn't pull nearly as hard as the highest level of Bakushuku chūshin and is more like Shōten bakushuku in between its middle and highest levels. [/indent][/hider][/indent] [/indent] [center][i][b]Bankai[/b][/i] [img][/img][h3][color=#ffffff][sub][i]~[/i][b]"Bankai...Sugureta Ryūshi Tōzoku."[/b][i]~[/i][/sub][/color][/h3][/center] [indent][u][b]Ability:[/b][/u] In bankai Ryūshi Tōzoku takes in all of the energy particles created while in shikai. Each particle being capable of charging a house for a month before starting to fade. At first this would seem like a ton of energy, which it is., however the amount that Ryūshi Tōzoku requires for each technique is on a whole different scale. The ability for Ryūshi Tōzoku in bankai is simply to utilize the unstable particles after stabilizing them through the activation of the bankai itself. The blade bits of Ryūshi Tōzoku become superheated burning and melting whatever it comes into contact with it as a by product of the super condensed energy. [indent][b][u]Techniques[/u][/b][hider] [indent][i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Joji hei(助辞塀 ‘Particle Wall’) - Between three or more blade bits Ryūshi Tōzoku is capable of generating a defensive field. The more blade bits in the field the stronger it gets, but this is also somewhat related to how many particles were generated in shikai. [i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Ha soryūshi no (刃素粒子の 'Blade element') - Ryūshi Tōzoku is able to launch a beam of condensed energy that matches the dimensions of the blade, except length. This beam does not fire off of the blade but is an extension of the blade itself. The length of the beam is limited depending on how many blade bits are connected to the blade bit. [i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Konzetsu wana(根絶罠 'Eradication trap') - When there is a field of blade bits in the area they can create a barrier around a targeted area. After forming this barrier to entrap a target the can generate a massive amount of energy throughout the area blasting it with extreme force and energy essentially melting and evaporating what’s inside the barrier. Upon breaking down the barrier it is as if nothing was ever there. [i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Renketsu(連結 'consolidation') - The first part of the final technique for Ryūshi Tōzoku is condensing all of the energy gathered into a single blade bit. This allows the blade bit to move at the speed of a shunpo in the third degree. [i][u]Name:[/u][/i] Gisei shōmetsu(犠牲消滅 'Sacrificial annihilation') - The second part of the final technique of Ryūshi Tōzoku is caused when the user uses their full Reiryoku to crack the blade bit and encase it. Once this happens the user may send the blade bit flying. Finally though, when the casing fails, all of the stored energy is released in a massive explosion. This explosion is dependent on how much energy is stored in the blade bit, however it will most likely never be defined as a ‘small’ explosion. [/indent][/hider][/indent] [/indent][/hider] [/hider]