[color=lightblue][centre][b]Henry Williams[/b][/centre][/color] [hr] [centre][b]Location:[/b]Crew's Quarters->Bridge [/centre] [hr] He was having a nightmare, he knew he was. And yet that didn't stop him from being any less terrified. He always hated having dreams, mainly because they usually turn into nightmares, but there was another reason he hated them. They showed everything he was afraid of and took away all of his control. It made him feel weak and helpless, feelings that he always hated. And he knew that no matter what, no matter how hard he tried, the dreams will come back, and he will always forget what it is he saw. Then he jerked awake, torn from the horrible visions by the announcement that they'll be making planet fall soon. So, Henry got up, washed the grime from his face got dressed. He made sure his uniform was perfect, that his boots were shining and his weapons holstered and loaded. With that done, he left his quarters and made his way to the bridge. As he got to the bridge he saw the Captain talking with the Pilot, and when they were done he took his place on the bridge, patiently awaiting whatever orders the Captain was going to give. He didn't care what the orders were, didn't care how difficult they were to complete. He'd follow the orders without question, without a thought on whether or not they were a good idea or not. He was a soldier afterall, and a good soldier does what he was told. And anything was better than going back to those nightmares, anything and everything.