The man was [i]very[/i] helpful. However, Roger did not come back with a snappy reply. He smiled politely. "Can you get him?" He asked. Though the mechanic didn't seem to mind that they boarded, still, a ship was like a house. You didn't just walk on without permission. Many ship captains didn't like just anyone on their vessel wondering around and though Roger knew he'd probably fine - as he knew the man - he still didn't want to overstep his place. The mechanic looked at him like he was an idiot. "I'm waiting for a," he paused glancing at Bea before saying what probably was going to be a curse word due to the pause and the rephrasing. "I'm waiting for a part. Should have been here by now." He said, clearly not wanting to be bothered by them. "Just go in. The ol' man is no doubt on the bridge or something." Roger raised an eyebrow at the insult. No doubt if William would have heard that he would have not been pleased. What ever happened to that older mechanic. That nice man? He was a bit nicer and would have either gotten the captain or escorted them to him. Roger glanced toward the door. "And Rebeca?" He asked. "She's the one I'm waiting for." The mechanic pulled out a cigar and lit it up. He crossed his arms and sighed. "Where is she?" He muttered annoyed. He really wanted to get this stupid part fixed so he could head out. She no doubt got lost but he wasn't going to go find her. [center]~ ~ ~[/center] Estella declined the offer with a slight shake of her head and a smile. She listened to Rebeca. If she was given a nickel for every time she had been blamed for something that wasn't her fault, she'd be rich...well not really but still have quiet a few nickels. She tilted her head slightly at what to her seemed like an interesting statement. Was their an implied question behind it? She took a drink and decided not to answer it. She gave no defense, no reasoning as to why or how she knew. Instead she glanced over. "Was anyone hurt?" She asked. There was slight concern. She didn't think so. Rebeca looked fine but you never knew. It all depended on how high they got before the Helacoptz went out. She didn't think it would have gotten that high but you never knew. She hoped no one got hurt. As it was, she was wondering if she should have voiced her concern to the captain. Immediately, she dismissed it. She had reported it to the mechanic. Though, she could have gone over his head, it hadn't been her call to do so. There were times you did but times you didn't. Thankfully no one was hurt. For that Estella was grateful. She looked back at her drink. She was slightly curious as to why Rebeca had come looking for her. From the earlier statement, she didn't think the woman blamed her for the accident. Was she here because she figured Estella paid for the part? Oh she hoped not. She didn't want a big scene from it. But she couldn't think of why else she'd be here. So she waited. She could be patient and she wasn't going to come out and rudely ask.