Rasteva gave Sara a critical look, her stammering not escaping their notice. [color=9e0b0f]"I see well. You have been quite busy assisting me these past few days. But I don't want to stand in the way of your education. I am sure that anything we need to do can be set aside for now. You should not neglect your studies."[/color] The Daemon really wasn't in the position to lecture anyone, least of all Sara after she'd been so helpful, but Rasteva valued higher learning too much to see even a little of it go to waste. [color=9e0b0f]"If you require assistance in your studies, I would be more than glad to help you. I am sure that it would ease the burden, even if only a little."[/color] It was not much in the way of thanks, but it was still a step in the right direction and Rasteva was committed to repaying Sara in any way that they were able. They listened to the woman's soft breathing as she drifted to sleep before settling themselves down for the night as well. Morning came and as had become customary for them, Rasteva parked themselves in front of the Television to watch the news while Sara readied herself for the day. The Human's antics on the screen were usually a source of amusement for them, but right now the Daemon was hoping that the news had anything more to say about the Purgers. They didn't seem to be stating anything different other than the usual warnings to stay alerted, but Rasteva knew that another assault would come sooner or later. The Daemon shook their head and flew towards the kitchen when Sara called out to them. She had prepared a breakfast for both of them and Rasteva made no complaints as they began to eat their own portion. They were pecking at some of the eggs when the young woman's question caught their attention and they looked up from their meal. [color=9e0b0f]"Well. I have already chosen a vessel to reflect my own desires, Sarah. Instead, you can pick one that you'd like. Something to reflect your own interests."[/color] It was a small thing that Rasteva hoped could bridge the gap between them, and letting Sara choose a vessel for them would be a good way to show her that they were a team and equals. [color=9e0b0f]"But that can wait I think. For now you have some studying to do, hmmm?"[/color]