[h2][center][color=39b54a]Yue Xiang[/color][/center][/h2] Xiang entered the building with her normal formal air. Despite walking confidently, and her face being as stone, something was a little bit off. Holes were burned in her favorite red jacket, and she walked stiffly, like she was injured. Asking her about it would likely be a bad idea, Xiang was one of the more proud members of the Old Seireiti. As she was greeted by her commander, Xiang nodded her head coolly, recognizing him. She, of course didn't say anything. It looked like she'd beaten her captain to the mansion. Probably for the best, Squad 2 had to be represented properly. They were the eyes on the rest of the shinigami, they were the justice to the rest. She sighed, thinking about her squad: Captain Kawagana, Co-lieutenant Koshūsuru, Third-seat Hōshakō.... Yeah, she felt like the responsibility for saving face for squad 2 fell to her. Xiang patiently waited as a 'rousing speech' was given, followed by orders. During the speech, Xiang watched Commander Yanagi very carefully. She'd already made her intentions crystal clear. At points she gave simple nods, agreeing with it. [quote = Taikou Yanagi][color=a187be] “Kanai, Xiang, you're with Kenpachi,”[/color] [/quote] [color=39b54a]"[i]Lieutenant [u]Yue[/u][/i], sir."[/color] She saluted him during it. A slight nerve was hit, why was she without title or last name? Even worse, why was she with Kenpachi. She turned to Sano, wordlessly shooting venom at him through her eyes. She used to be in Squad 11 before stabbing them in the back. She hated Squad 11. Sighing in defeat, she turned to her new 'teammates' for the mission, standing by her captain...s, and Kanai. [color=39b54a]"What is our plan?" [/color]