[b][i]Alexander Sky[/i][/b] "That ought to be great as well!" Alexander replied to Yoshinobu. "But to be honest, we also want to get on the good side of the law, as we come from a distant land, and need opportunities that are more than a few months' worth of coin and food. No offense intended, of course." "However, we can probably look at the jobs on offer if needed, just in case we need a contingency for if we can't join the Knights. Nevertheless, Mrs, thank you for the offer of aid and the patience you showed us. You really are a kind person." At least Alexander's attention got taken off Duncan this time... [@Lucius Cypher][@Seirei no Hai][@Zelosse][@liferusher][@Sir Lurksalot][@Letter Bee] [@FamishedPants][@ZekariVoblis] [b][i]Myst Neumann[/i][/b] "Then I will help you kill him," Myst said to Nick. "As for info, I would like to know how your enemy fought so that yes, I can 'get him to you', in exchange for - ah, you're giving me the girl but also asking me to stay away from you, all right." This day just kept getting better and better. Taking ahold of Hamaguchi's chain, Myst, with surprising strength for a 74-year old man, began dragging Hamaguchi over to his carriage, where the horses ridden by his dozen mercenaries waited. Locking her in the carriage, Myst said with barely restrained meneace: "Do not try anything, young lady," he then conjured up a globe of water, before continuing, "if you do scream or try to get free, I will drown you." And with that, the carriage and mercs drove on... ------ Myst's [i]second[/i] mansion, the one he had moved into since leaving the countryside, was located at the exact opposite end of the city from the Celestia manor, and it was a surprisingly bright and clean estate, staffed by intimidated-looking maids and butlers. Its owner's carriage would not make for the main gate, however, but a side entrance that led directly to the 'magical laboratories', where the [i]legal[/i], even sanctioned research was still held. From there, he would drag Hamaguchi by the chain to a series of basement doors, magically warded by his 'criminal magi' contacts, which contained the dissection rooms and torture chambers. Swiftly 'escorting' the unfortunate nekomimi to a room that contained a torture rack, the Mage would then have Hamaguchi's hands and legs tied to said torture rack, before he would continue: "Here is the deal," Myst said as he took out a knife, a knife specially blunted so that it would cut through clothing, not flesh. "You tell me all that you can about the people who tried to help you, and I do [i]not[/i] cut away your clothes. Tell me about what they said to you and what their abilities were and how they managed to give Nick a hinderance. If not, well..." Myst would place the tip of the knife underneath the hem of Hamaguchi's shirt, prepared to begin cutting... [@liferusher][@Lucius Cypher][@Noodles]