"Well, yeah. Did you think I was raised by wolves?" Ghent was starting to wish Axel's theory was his reality. Leaving a pack of wolves would have been a lot less painful. "I have parents here...I owe them a lot." The circumstances behind Ghent's adoption had never been kept a secret. The Preston's weren't obligated to take him in, but they did, and they had always been good to him. When it came to family, Ghent lucked out, and the possibility of never seeing them again made his heart ache. Once again, Wonderland was making life difficult for all involved. Elayra's interest in the phone was amusing to Ghent. The device he took for granted was completely alien to her. In Ghent's opinion, Wonderland sounded primitive; Elayra was missing out on all Earth had to offer. "Girls your age are obsessed with these. They look at the screen and can hardly put it away...it may be a curse of some kind." Keeping a straight face was proving difficult; Ghent's comrades were easy targets. After Elayra was through with her inspection, Ghent pocketed the phone and settled for playing it cool after he sensed her bitterness. "Don't worry, Princess. I'm not turning you away. I'll figure this out. Always do." Was he being too bold? Probably. Ghent was yet to master the art of shutting up. "Enough of that, though...I've got 24hrs, and so do you. When's the last time you two ate?" Ghent could be a pain, but he wasn't heartless. Judging by appearance, they'd been on foot for the majority of the day.