[@Caits] Caius nodded and lead Callie a few blocks away from his rented apartment to a nice and expensive looking restaurant. A closed sign hung on the door but it didn't seem to bother Caius as he pushed it open and steppend in. The restaurant had a classy ambiance with its dark wood and red velvet furniture. A middle aged man met them shortly after they stepped it. It didn't seem like he minded that the two entered an obviously still closed establishment. [color=gray]"Caius, my boy. I was wondering when you'd find the time to pass by."[/color] he greeted and then flashed a toothy smile at Callie. [color=gray]"And with a girl this time, I see."[/color] He nodded approvingly. [color=gray]"Pretty..."[/color] he leaned forward and studied Callie closer. [color=gray]"And from the looks of it, totally smitten by you,"[/color] he chuckled good naturedly. [color=turquoise]"It's been a while, Uncle Silas. It looks like this place is still as posh as the last time I was here,"[/color] Caius greeted back. He looked at Callie, grinned and then looked back at the man. [color=turquoise]"You think so? Well, then that's a relief cause I've---"[/color] [color=gray]"Imprinted on her. Yes, I see, I see."[/color] Silas' eyes twinkled knowingly. Caius nodded, the grin still on his lips. [color=turquoise]"This is Callie, by the way,"[/color] he said. Silas straightened up and smiled at Callie again. [color=gray]"It is a great pleasure to meet the woman that has captured the eyes of this strapping young wolf. My name is Silas Reinford."[/color] He shook his head and immediately provided the answer to an unspoken question he was sure was in the mind of his female guest. [color=gray]"Your charms will not go off, my little guest. I am, after all, a human and not part of the supernatural world you two belong in."[/color] He gestured into the still empty restaurant. [color=gray]"Come in, come in. Shall I serve you your usual meal, my boy?"[/color] When Caius nodded, he turned to Callie. [color=gray]"And what do you want, little missy? You can ask for anything...anything at all. I can whip it up in an instant."[/color]